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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. So, your husband was drinking and driving in this blizzard?! Hahaha! Oh I'm just joshing with ya! And we're breathing.......
  2. Thanks, that's the website I've been looking at. At least I've got that part right!
  3. I was with them, too until they broke up with Wellstar. do you have an agent or do you just go through Kaiser directly?
  4. I'm looking for insurance for me and my daughter. Does anybody have private health insurance? Any advice, recommendations, who to stay away from? I'm about ready to throw a dart and just go with whatever it lands on!
  5. I'd be willing to bet that there will be a little more security for this funeral than there is for fallen soldiers.
  6. I agree with the going into the office post. take all your sheeze, walk in there and don't leave until you have in writing that you're canceled. Hell, I'll do it for you. I'm pissy and spoiling for a fight.
  7. I hope nobody ever sends me a really important email that goes past 1 paragraph, I would blackout after 1.
  8. Why would you want to cancel? We love you..please hold......
  9. I DO miss sitting around on Sundays drinking coffee with the paper spread all around. Now I feel like I'm wasting time that I should be spending doing something else more productive. weird. really weird since I'm unemployed and have plenty of time on my hands.
  10. I use it for landscaping. It makes great weed blocker.
  11. Well, I'll be about 87 so I probably won't have much interest in eating. As long as the alcohol holds out I'll be fine!
  12. What about the geek that was eating Darryl's deer? was the deer already dead and therefore immune to the zombie resurrection germs? Are there zombie deer? what about the flies? zombie flies?
  13. You talkin to me? oh jeez, they've got him in drag. he's so awesomenessful!
  14. I remember back in the old timey days (70's ) the toilet paper came in pretty pastel colors so you could match your bathroom! It was a simpler time.
  15. But how do we know the "L" is silent? How do we really know?
  16. Come on Sassy, woman up and stick around. ignore the stupid plus and minus signs, ignore the stupid, mean comments, ignore the bad breath.,,,,,,eventually, somebody's going to come up with some good advice. Most of us are just bored and want something to do. So.....why's your son in jail? how old is he? how old is the kid? why the paternity test?
  17. True. I DO enjoy the fact that I can do Gold Digger and it makes my children cringe. and then laugh at me.
  18. Ugly or not, this sounds like a good story and I'm bored. Please share Zzzsassyone.
  19. Whatever, at least he wasn't mean to Taylor Swift.
  20. Yeah, it was. jeez. Thanks for recognizing that. In the future, I will add 2 rows of HAHA's and smiley faces to convey laughter!
  21. Hey, eff off! I'm 47. I don't have to do math.
  22. House fire, diarrhea, really, really really have to pee......
  23. If the FDA doesn't "ban" it or at least step in and say "Oh hey ya'll, this sheeze'll kill ya" then some person(s) will drink a six-pack, die and then their survivors will sue because nobody warned them of the dangers.
  24. they can do that any time, silly!
  25. Well that's good. The kids will have somewhere to hang out after seeing Harry Potter!
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