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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. with all the credit and debit card transactions is it really worth it to rob a McDonalds these days?
  2. Yippee! it's shaping up to be quite a wacky one!
  3. Hey Lucky, are you in the Highlands? this is where the 911's were going.
  4. They're going to break up a party in Creekside. Some jacknut let his kid have a party, party gets out of control, guy shoots a gun in the air to signal end of party, tons of equally dumbass kids leaving in a disrespectful manner, etc.......
  5. The way the Good Lord intended.
  6. post their numbers and then we can all call and harass them. That would be fun.
  7. Back in the old timey days we had to go outside to see and talk to our friends.
  8. Freaks. Well, it is almost Halloween.
  9. Ok, please do. I'll be the one with the wine hangover.
  10. I don't see the young, skinny and ditzy college age girls where I am. Well, except for me of course! hahahahaha! Oh, and the haha's are just for the ditzy college age part.
  11. Is anyone on Linkedin? using recruiters? If so has it done any good?
  12. Yeah I guess. Of course now that I'm mature enough to be a SAHM there's nobody here to stay with!
  13. My last day of employment is Oct 29. I'm torn between terror and yippee. I dread having to look for a job.
  14. I also met C. Mark Willix when Hairazor cut my hair a couple of years ago. I kick myself that I didn't ask for his autograph.
  15. Bobby. he was probably about 19ish at the time.
  16. WAIT! I have more! I met Paula Deen's son when my sister was living with a girl he was dating.
  17. I used to be an occasional barfly with a girl who dated Donna's brother! Oh, and I used to work in a hair salon and washed Roy Barnes and family's hair in the 80's. Well, that's pretty sucky. oh yeah and I saw some of the Braves guys at the mall when I was a kid. Hank Aaron, Bob Horner.....
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