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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. well I started out with "Cabinet of Curiosities" and I'm down to "The Wheel of Darkness" but they keep talking about stuff I don't know about! I've missed earlier stuff so I guess I'm going to have to go find those books. I hate not being in the know!
  2. I've been reading a series of books by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child. Mysterious FBI agent named Pendergast teaming up with other cops, weird and wacky cases, the characters bleed into other books etc. Pretty good. A friend mailed them all to me.
  3. I don't know why you're wasting time here when you could be writing romance novels!
  4. My husband is heavily involved in this project and he can't even tell me everything that's going on.
  5. Dawg.......that's cool in a scary cool kinda way.
  6. Congrats!! June 10, 2.05 hrs, 2000 here.
  7. I like bumper stickers. They give me something to read while I'm sitting in traffic. Especially when none of my friends are texting me back.
  8. Of course there is. This kid is being targeted by the cops. It's a conspiracy.
  9. Well now, you don't know that. Maybe if they showed a little ankle and a peep of cleavage!
  10. Well, let's continue the joy and happiness.....Happy Birthday!!
  11. Hahaha! Sweet, print that out for your scrapbook!
  12. Although, I can't wait to see what's available when I'm 85. I want something shiny and red! With a lot of cool compartments to hold all my crap.
  13. I certainly hope that you are not implying that the women of Paulding County are not qualified for employment at this type of establishment.
  14. Go to any Wal-mart or anywhere else that has those things and see who's on them the most. It aint' grandma.
  15. I show affection to my children and nieces and nephews the same way now as I did when they were little. I hug and kiss and slobber all over them. Nobody's ever thought I was a child molester. How is showing affection as they get older not appropiate?
  16. Yes, but these people have the right to do that because they have a license.
  17. Yeah well, I also thought that being the cruise director on the Love Boat would be pretty glamorous, too.
  18. And a really good, fairly priced lunch buffet.
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