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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. But it's so much better than airplane glue!
  2. Damn good thing your girlfriend's a ho or you might not have noticed until it was too late!
  3. I think that within no more than 50 years or so the Jews and the Asians are going to totally take over and the whole black and white thing will be a mute point.
  4. Skating rink in the early/mid 80's. I was the ticket taker/DJ. Good times!
  5. I have a feeling that if he had said "Excuse me m'am, are you the Lady of the House"? your response would have been the same.
  6. I find the description "women of color" to be offensive. It implies that white women are the pasty color of the underbelly of a fish.
  7. 2 hours later? Bunch of fat people obviously. Where's that Navyeagle dude? 2 hours later?
  8. B might have been a company car. Sales, something like that would account for the high mileage but the vehicle would have been serviced regularly. And it still has a warranty.
  9. That's strange, I didn't think the white women drove the Mercedes.
  10. Seriously though, what kind of shape could her hooha and insides be in? how many times can you stretch your womb out before it just pops?
  11. I'd fill mine up with cement before I'd let that man touch me again.
  12. Hahaha! I'm making a note to make sure I'm on Pcom tonight to watch for excitement because I'm bored out of my freakin skull!
  13. AWESOME!! And you will be drinking and whooping it up tonight?
  14. That's so beautiful. It almost makes me wish that I had a man to smack!
  15. I had the Chocolate Suicide cake at the Marietta Diner last week. It should be taxed!
  16. A couple of years later. Yes, I am a total badass...
  17. So if hottie is 14 in the picture but like, like 63 or so now....am I a pedophile?! crap. so confusing.....
  18. So Guard Dad, where was this pic taken? And uh also, ummm who's the big guy?
  19. Haha! Lowrider's SAUCY! Ah yes, God Bless Farrah Fawcett. And Final Net.
  20. I get the sales pitch all the time in the Marietta Diner, Walmart area on 41. I think it's because I'm in nice work clothes and heels and I look like I have money. Plus I have a smokin' hot rack.
  21. What time is dinner? I live with a vegetarian and I'm starving!
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