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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. Oh Lord, for a minute there I was questioning your taste in men but then realized I was thinking of his brother!
  2. OK...well maybe I'm freaking out prematurely then. I'm mainly concerned about the teacher kid.
  3. She should be eligible. She talked to someone at the school board last week and they told her they were in the process of sending letters out. I always heard that COBRA was stupidly expensive so I hope you're right! Really stressful that all this happened at the same time but she has a small job right now and at least I'll have a nice long Christmas vacation! Thanks!
  4. Thanks, we've never had to deal with private insurance before and I'm just clueless!
  5. Yeah, my company was bought out about a year ago so we've just been waiting. I'm laid off as of Oct 29, my daughter was a teacher and is moving so she resigned and applied to other counties in the area she's moving to and of course that's not good. Her insurance is up on Sept 30 and she hasn't gotten anything from the board yet about COBRA. They told her they were mailing out letters but she hasn't gotten anything yet. I'm just trying to find some kind of insurance for her. and maybe me and the other kid.
  6. Have any laid off teachers gotten any information about termination of benefits, COBRA? anything? What about buying your own insurance? Has anybody bought their own insurance? Which insurance? pros? cons? Layoffs suck. Have a Nice Day!
  7. boots burning leaves drinking a glass of wine under the stars while sitting in the hottub that should be on my deck but isn't because I can't afford it. Oh yeah, and finally getting to play with the firepit that I had to have last year but waited too late and they were all gone but luckily Lowes had one that was in a beatup box and it was clearanced and they put it together for free because they didn't know if it was busted or not.
  8. I'm on there but the party is wrong and the partial street name is what used to come up years ago before google maps discovered Paulding County. If you click on your name it takes you to another website like anywho, people search, etc. Looks like a way to gather information when you "correct" it. but it's nothing that isn't already out there.
  9. When my daughter was about 11 she gave me her tooth and said "here, gimme a dollar"!
  10. Midnight at the oasis, send your camel to bed............
  11. I got my baby from the shelter when she was about 1 yr old. She was still teething and continued for about a year afterward. She ate/chewed/scratched: the skirting around 2 couches and 2 loveseats the legs of 1 coffee table and 1 antique victrola various pillows a friend's special made sandals from Key West. the same friend's nice area rug that was rolled up in her garage for storage (just the edge) baseboards the front door I also woke to a strange sound in the middle of the night and discovered her up to her elbows and slinging the dirt of one of my houseplants all over the
  12. This? Abbott's consumer hotline, (800) 986-8850, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Well, it's busy.
  13. Check here: http://www.abbott.com/global/url/pressRelease/en_US/60.5:5/Press_Release_0900.htm
  14. I am partial to pink or red Snuggle myself. Think I'm gonna try the dryer sheet in the car idea though.
  15. Hahahaha! Oh Blessed be the Saints, I LOVE David!!
  16. I have a meeting in a few hours to find out how much longer I will have my job but damn....6 hours....4 kids...you win!!
  17. yeah, bring that sander because I'm about to be able to climb trees with these things!
  18. well, I guess if you won't clean CE's house then giving me a pedicure is out of the question?
  19. A good law would be to make it legal to shoot any dog that makes an aggressive move towards you and is off its leash.
  20. Hmmmm.....very interesting. Looks like I'm set for just about anything then! Bwahahahaha!
  21. you wouldn't know me anyway. I only know your name because of your pic here and the cross reference on FB.
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