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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. OK fine. I'm not doing anything tomorrow, I'll watch. when's it on anyway? It better be good, "Bored" it better be good..........
  2. Voice: Yes, It is I...God. If you had been texting on a monorail, this never would have happened. Teehee. Hi Ivy.....
  3. I totally agree! Go find a community center applicable to this senerio. I'll wait right here........
  4. Dear Good Friend of St. Germain: Thank you for your submission. Please edit for spelling, grammar and syntax and then resubmit. Also, please provide your friend's GPA. Your GPA, resume and high school transcript is also required. There will be a test. It doesn't involve any form of news media. Kind regards, Real Life
  5. I weep when someone doesn't get my jokes. Have a Blessed Day!
  7. The thing that I have found that works best for me is to just distract myself and my brain. Computer Solitaire works. it's easy and simple but you have to think while you do it so you're not focusing on anything else.
  8. I have the $377 Gold's Gym from Walmart. I've had it a couple of years and it's still going good. It folds up but it's in the basement so I just leave it down plus it's pretty heavy. Mine was really easy to put together because my neighbor came over to help get it out of the van then ended up putting it together for me. all I had to do was ply him with alcohol! Lord, I miss that man.
  9. Oh wait, if you're not friends with them are you sure it's her husband? Maybe she and her children live with her brother. And he hates her boyfriend so the boyfriend has to come over after the brother leaves and then they frolic and act out tampon commercials in the driveway......
  10. I would go spy on them then come back and tell everybody all the details because I'm we're all bored.
  11. Could someone please bring me some eggs?
  12. Awwwww, bless his heart. Does Gene at least have good looks to fall back on?
  13. I did notice that the banana selection at K. Roger was woefully inadequate. weird.
  14. Well now; where is Angel Eyes to see this? Somebody's education at Paulding County High School did pay off!
  15. Yeah, we're screwed; I only have 2 bottles of wine.
  16. Being blissfully ignorant of anything "bad".
  17. I never understood having anything other than a regular tag.
  18. I would have followed her around and videoed. Then, I would have posted it on You Tube and Paulding.com for everyone to enjoy. But that's just the giving kind of person I am.
  19. what if he were 1980 Sean Connery? I would do a threesome with 1980 Sean Connery and you if you were to go gay for him. Ok you don't have to be gay.
  20. I blame the red wine. But, I'm sore in private places as well...............damn probes.
  21. Not really great with the speaking part but I'm a fabulous BSer on paper.
  22. I like to crisp it up in a little olive oil then drizzle worcestershire or soy sauce on it. or put it on the grill.
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