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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. Any room with a lock on the door is fine. NOT a bathroom. gross.
  2. These are payments for work the Drs have done. Consulting, speaking, contributing to drug development, etc. You know...working? People get paid to work.
  3. Oh that's beautiful. I'm gonna add that to my list.
  4. There will be no need to memorialize me in such a fashion because I expect to be cremated, my ashes placed lovingly in a beautiful urn and then displayed in a prominent spot in the living rooms of my children. I know there may be some arguing about who gets to keep "Mama" but I'm sure they will share me.
  5. A.L. means Ancient Landmarks. I think
  6. I usually SPELL certain words in front of my dog and now she knows how to spell lots of things!
  7. I always just go sit on the porch with my binoculars.
  8. But if you've only been married and divorced once then what?
  9. who was perfectly delightful until the damn bat bite him. Rabies. He had rabies. Not fair.
  10. If my child/mother//father/sibling/friend/anyonewhotrulymatterstome is having some type of seizure, PLEASE call 911. Thanks for NOT being stupid!
  11. YES! Ever watch Ghost Whisperererer? If Jennifer Love Hewitt says so I say so!
  12. what a strange video. did a news team just happen to be set up right where the action played out? it sure is a steady and well placed shot.
  13. I very, very rarely write checks anymore. or see real physical money. Hmmmm.....I wonder if it's even really there......
  14. Oh, I forgot "Tru Calling". pretty much everything that I think is good goes away. God, I need Post It notes to keep track....
  15. Lost - Unsatisfactory ending. Saving Grace - satisfactory ending just not ready for said ending. Medium - kind of petered out. but I did like the longivity and watching the kids grow up. heh heh..I said "petered".
  16. I didn't feel secure about the roads by Friday, but I still had a lot of ice on my driveway and couldn't get out until Saturday afternoon. And then I still had to hack through the ice to get out but by then I had cabin fever. I think if she wasn't drinking or texting or driving like a jackass she shouldn't be charged. On the other hand, I didn't let my 19 drive anywhere until everything completely melted because I'm paranoid.
  17. Wow, that's only a couple of hours from here. Where's my tinfoil............
  18. So weird. I've lost 2 hours.......
  19. Yeah, well I'll bet the fat girl has better teeth! dammit, now I want some fried chicken.....
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