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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. When some psychotic 9 year old girl poisons the neighbors with her lemonade there will be a public outcry demanding to know why the police didn't do anything to stop her.
  2. Are you a commerce member?
  3. Now my daughter and I have whipped out the measuring tape. her skull is 2 inches bigger than mine.
  4. I can't believe he would have any gold to dig...unless it comes from the reality show they will surely be starring in.
  5. The good news is that when he dies of old age, she'll be in her sexual prime!
  6. I still can't smell Hawaiian Punch without staggering into walls and blacking out a little.
  7. some cheap plates, bowls, etc to zap stuff in the microwave.
  8. Girls beach trip probably in September. A job would be swell.
  9. ........and that you don't have diarrhea!
  10. Taylor Farm is NOT doing fireworks this year.
  11. But they are good. They eat insects. They just want to be your friend, Gog8tors. They want to be friends.....friends with your delicious neck.....bwahahahaha!
  12. Yes but my severance came in 2 lump sums (first was the 60 day WARN act, 2nd actual severance). UE doesn't start until after the 60 days is up. I think it depends on how it's paid out and what the Separation Notice says.
  13. double ditto on the Benadryl. you might not be feeling very good in a couple of hours.
  14. Yeah, I went to Cedartown to apply etc because it's not crowded at all but I don't want to have to drive up there if I don't have to. the workshop was painless but the classes are nothing I don't already know. but I'm perfectly willing to do it if they keep giving me money. It's really helping to stretch out my severance!
  15. They aren't mandatory unless you are chosen. I was one of the special "chosen" ones though. I had to go to a workshop and then sign up for 4 classes. The workshop lady called me the day before the fist class and told me I didn't actually have to show up I just had to send in my job search sheet, I did and they mailed a copy back to me. I'm supposed to go to another one next week.
  16. Not wine but about 20 years ago I turned around at the perfume counter at Macy's and my pregnant belly knocked into a lovely pyramid shaped display of perfume bottles. The top bottle swayed back and forth in slow motion, fell and hit the floor, bounced and then shattered on the second bounce. Perfume everywhere. Good thing I was way past morning sickness!
  17. On a brighter note, I got a refund from my escrow account and my mortgage payment went down by $80.
  18. I didn't have to do anything other than the application (nothing preexisting) but it sounds like Subby's friend might. P.S. my daughter had preexisting foot problems (surgeries) but I just detailed everything on the application.
  19. I have had a Blue Cross Blue Shield policy (through Caped Crusader) since January and I am happy with it.
  20. Plus, you know the people who don't live there would just pee in the pool.
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