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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. I'd call the police for nothing more than them waking me up at 2am with their white trashness.
  2. Honey, I don't care who posted what 10 minutes ago much less 5 1/2 years ago.
  3. I think if you just tell the health dept you don't have insurance they'll do it.
  4. I'm from Mobile, myself, but the aunts/uncles/cousins live in Lakeview.
  5. Funny you should mention it. In this morning's headlines I read "Body found in SW Atlanta." The first thing out of ny brain was "well duh, a body is always being found in SW Atl. why is this news?" I didn't even read it. But, of course, most of the time that body was important to someone and belongs to someone we just get immune to anything tragic happening where we expect it to happen. But it ends up on the news because we need Dirty Laundry (Trademark Sign). AND, if you want tragic stories in the news you have to let the media know that there's a tragic story. This stuff doesn't report itse
  6. don't squish the meat around too much. keeps em' juicier. what time is dinner?
  7. My mother is diabetic, too and has a laminated index card taped to her dashboard w/ emergency contact numbers.
  8. Maybe it was about my beauty? my sparkling wit? my smoking hot rack? waterfalls are pretty?
  9. Oh my God you trucking white trash whore. I don't even go to my own bathroom dressed like that. But....So...well since you're already out would you bring me a fried chicken breast? 2.. 2 pieces of chicken. and some lima beans. Oh, and some of that coconut cream pie and a piece of carrot cake. are there pork chops? and some of that nasty ass fake crab salad stuff. are you writing this down?
  10. maybe it's a marketing ploy to make us stock up.
  11. Sex: Don't do it. You will get chlamydia and you will die.
  12. I wonder if the high school student got in trouble for watching xrated porn.
  13. Yeah me, too. when my kids were little, every time the sirens went off or if it would storm really bad I would put them in the hall closet with a couple of pillows. So Moday night during the big scary storm guess who was texting me from the depths of her closet in Roswell? Yep, the 25 year old!
  14. Dear Lord. that is the funniest thing I've heard in a coons age!
  15. Good luck. and nobody's laughing here. I've had a message from my children's great grandmother on my machine since the night the tornado hit downtown. she called to check on us. so sweet.
  16. If anyone needs me, I'll be out looking for some loose concrete.........
  17. You're right, that was just totally rude to hijack your wrestling topic like that! . . . . So what about the "Scorpion King"? The man is even dreamy when he's half arthropod!
  18. Dawg....that's a lotta dead birds with one stone.
  19. I'm going to Yes if a company has more than say, 100 employees. No if under. If there aren't any lactating women then use it as a conference room, etc.
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