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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. I wouldn't do it until she's old enough to beg to have it done.
  2. No, that's probably the best part. It only cost you 300 to weed out an undesirable.
  3. I've seen too many Scyfy movies for this to be anything but bad.
  4. since he's making threats, I wouldn't let him take the baby in the first place. How old is the baby?
  5. Since it was 2am, I'd be willing to bet alcohol and a relationship gone sour was involved. at least I hope so.
  6. gross. How do you get all the boogers out?
  7. sounds like you better buy a bicycle lock to lock it to the fridge rack, too!
  8. My daughter is hanging over my shoulder saying that even the dumb kids said it was easy.
  9. But the intent is to make the little prick sheeze his pants.
  10. I would pee in the creamer and then silently giggle every time he used it.
  11. I don't like them either. I'm not going to run off a "good snake" but I'm still skeerd of them. I did have to get one of my daughter's "redneck friends" to come and get a water snake out of my pond a few years ago because the bi#*h ate a couple of my fish.
  12. I think I'll go with what the EYE witnesses saw. I hope the bitches fry.
  13. Shoooot.....why we got to go to buckhead? we gots us a ihop right chere to hiram!
  14. So this thread has nothing to do with Jews or FisherPrice?
  15. I did. I just comprehended it differently.
  16. do you have a nurse help line you could call?
  17. Chucky Cheese a nice sandbox bubbles story books
  18. Organized baseball for a 2 1/2 year old? Yes, I have some suggestions for his parents: Potty training Coloring ABCs Crying randomly because he is tired and/or cranky Barney Twirling Dora the Explorer Eating dirt Playing with boogers Mashing Play Doh into the carpet Thumb sucking Etc.....
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