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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. Speaking of mace; Where do you buy it? Somewhere locally? would regular mace work on dogs roaming the neighborhood?
  2. Yeah, we got the hunting date wrong? and his interview was weird. looked like he was trying too hard to squeeze tears out.
  3. Are you sure it wasn't her brother?
  4. It's glorified hoarding. And did you see the husband's responses? Unless you run an orphanage or a homeless shelter or something....What good does it do? Most of this stuff expires and I saw only a couple of kids it could benefit. And 6 hours in a grocery store? I am unemployed and I still have a hell of a lot more important things to do to fill up my time. And yes, I DO think it is a sickness like all the other hoarder shows. OR they are brilliant and I will be looking them up when the END is near.
  5. Where do you shoe shop? my daughter is a 10 or 11 and loves shoes but where do you find good, comfortable shoes? I would gladly pay for them but we have a hard time finding them.
  6. Even a 4 foot railing would be a stretch for an accident.
  7. Pretty strange. I'm assuming she wasn't drunk and balcony hopping.
  8. A big bunch. Sometimes, I look in my closet and think "Shananigans (I call myself "Shananigans") why in the world do you have all these shoes?" "Get rid of them. You never even wear those burgundy platforms." But I don't get rid of them because I might wear them. And I hate shopping.
  9. The bus thing is sounding pretty good. Now to find a dang job! I am still open to the whole lottery thing, also.
  10. I wouldn't mind letting somebody else do the driving. $95/month is pretty cheap!
  11. Crap. Perhaps crossing downtown off the list.
  12. or Midtown? Cumberland area? How bad does your commute suck? How do you get there and how long does it take? I'm looking for a job and don't want to completely rule out any area but I don't want to sit in traffic for 2 hours every day! I live in the Paulding County High School area and have always worked in the Marietta or Kennesaw area.
  13. I also had a bird guy tell me to throw out stuff on the ground for the squirrels to eat because they would prefer not having to work so hard for food. I don't know if he got that first hand or not.....
  14. try mixing the birdseed with pepper sauce. the squirrels don't like it but it doesn't bother the birds.
  15. My daughter, too. She's sitting in the tub breathing steam. DON'T open your windows!!
  16. Sounds like my anxiety attacks. At night when you're in bed and trying to sleep is the worst. Everything is too quiet and my brain starts ticking and the stress kicks into high gear. and I feel like I can't get a deep breath. I've had a couple of times that I was afraid to go to sleep because I thought that maybe I really was having a heart attack. I've been doing this crap since I was about 11.
  17. I'm sorry you have to go through this, Lowrider. I hope you have a lot of family around you. Your mama's lucky to have a daughter who cares for her as well as you do.
  18. Awwww....I miss shopping at lunch. and also having a job so I can go shopping at lunch.
  19. 262 North Park blvd,, cedartown, GA 770-749-2213 go west on 278 until you get to the cedartown bypass and go right. Turn right on North Park.
  20. I went to Cedartown and was in and out in an hour.
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