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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. That is exactly the reason they did it they way they did.
  2. In your example, let's say the county and landowner did settle for the $25,000 plus fees. The county did so knowing it would probably win in court, but by settling they would save taxpayer money. What happens next? Every yahoo who thinks they've been slighted in a zoning case would be suing the county, in the long run costing the taxpayer many times over what it would have cost if the county fought the suit instead of settling. In other words, in every case, the government has to be concerned with the precedent set by settling.
  3. Of course it's the publishers who take the risk. Even though there is cost to e-publishing there is a lot less risk to everyone.
  4. While this is true, it's a lot cheaper than printing, storing and shipping thousands of physical books that may or may not sell.
  5. Comcast is probably your only other viable option. Be careful with them, there have been many reports here of folks being promised a 'fee free' installation, only to be hit with hundreds of dollars in installation fees on the first bill.
  6. If it's $1.00 more, sure. If it's more than $1.00, I'd skip it. The novelty has worn off.
  7. It's not cheating. It can created problems. The biggest problem is if the female claims something happened, even something as simple as the guy made a pass at her, for most it's guilty until proven innocent. How can someone prove their innocence?
  8. I guess what you're really trying to say is if you take the skeletons of 100 6 foot tall people, all who died about the same age, they would all weigh within a pound of so of each other and all like bones would be nearly the same size, etc. If not, what variation will there be?
  9. I think the talk about the concentration camp survivors is relevant unless you can compare the before and after for the survivors. In other words, how many who were heavy when they entered survived .vs. how many who were already thin? Would the thinner folks been more likely to die of starvation quicker, or would health problems done in the heavier? The photos would be a good area for study, because the bones are prevalent a comparison could be made of bone size for people of similar heights. In other words, would all forearms the the same length for all 5"8" men, etc? -- To
  10. If the schools are getting benefits, great. Do they take more than paper and aluminum cans? If not, where do you take plastic, glass and other recyclable items? For the rest of us, the issue is convenience. The companies in question take the mixed recyclables and sort them later. There are no multiple bins for each type of item. Also, there's no driving to various places to drop them off. You have one bin for trash and one for recyclables for few bucks a month. By the time we find places that take each of the items - aluminum, steel, plastic, glass and paper, most of us would spend m
  11. It sounds like the first place you went to was a third party wanting you to pay them to help. DO NOT USE THEM! You can go to the government web site. . . wait a second while I look it up . . . Here it is: http://travel.state.gov/passport/passport_1738.html It has all the information you will need. To save time, you can fill out the application online, but you have to print it and bring it with you to the post office or wherever you are submitting the application from. Pictures can be obtained at most drug stores for around $10.00 One more thing - make sure you have a
  12. The Dr. in question has a weight lost plan he's developed. I'm sure this ridiculous idea is his attempt to sell the plan to parents, making him rich. Look at all the free advertising he's gotten.
  13. The delayed rental is due to the production company requirements - not Netflix themselves. They want to get their money selling DVD's before they sell the rights to have the movies streamed. If you don't like it, don't buy the DVDs when they come out, it just reinforces the movie company's behavior.
  14. The picture is a little over the top, and has distracted many from the real intent of the topic. It's about Mrs. Obama's hypocrisy. She's spending a lot of her time demanding changes to entire industries in the name of how parents feed their kids. Any company that sells food will be deeply affected as well as any company that sells advertisements for that food. In the end, it won't make a bit of difference to the kids because those parents who feed their kids junk will continue feeding them junk. She's making these demands, then sees nothing wrong with planning 5000+ calorie meals
  15. I created a spreadsheet with a grid - all normal bills going down, along with statement and due dates, sorted by due date. I have 6 columns going across, 1 column per month for 6 months. I update this and print and print out a new copy as needed. Most of my bills are paperless and I pay all of them online. As I pay each one, I write in the amount paid in the column for that month. When it clears the bank, I put a cross through the amount. On this one page, I can see which bills have been paid, which have cleared and which are coming due. If something doesn't clear in a few days,
  16. Maybe he couldn't believe someone was farding while driving (even at a stoplight).
  17. The citizens voted against FUNDING the airport.
  18. They have an office in the plaza next door (in front of Murphy.) Stop there and I'm sure they can answer all of your questions.
  19. I'm sure that most of the price covers the costs involved in someone taking time from their other duties, tracking down the original documents and verifying they're the correct ones, then refiling them when done.
  20. Make sure your birth certificate is unmodified in any way. If it is falling apart DO NOT tape it or it will not be accepted.
  21. Why do we need to be weaned off fossil fuels right now? We're finding more and more oil under our own lands. It's just that the environmentalists want us to go back to the stone age. We need to move them to third world countries where they'll be happy and begin drilling now. Wean ourselves off of Foreign oil. You can not force a new 'miracle' replacement form of energy. It will eventually happen, but it will take time and can't be rushed no matter how much money we throw at it. Solar and wind have been proven to be non-starters. They take up too much land, cost too much and require mo
  22. The problem is what woman will accept any criticism about their appearance, even from their best friend, without wanting to go on a murderous rampage? A woman can THINK they look good in a mini (or whatever else) when they actually look hideous, but everyone is afraid to tell them for fear of their life. The proof of this is how many continually wear things they shouldn't. Even if a best friend got up the nerve and said she shouldn't wear that the answer would be "Well I asked my husband/boyfriend if this made me look fat and he said NO". The problem here is, she asked him a question
  23. markdavd


    Is what you're saying is if someone 'reports' a poll that's only a day old, it will be closed??
  24. Other scientists say were heading for a mini ice age: ARCTIC ENVIRONMENT BY THE MIDDLE OF THIS CENTURY
  25. If you want to visit wineries, Dahlonega is a good place to stay. It's a nice little town, it's not far from Helen, and there are at least a half dozen wineries within 10-15 miles. There are also a few wineries and tasting rooms around Helen.
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