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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. One thing I didn't see while skimming this thread. It appears someone took time to put together specific supplies intended to be used for science experiments in the classes. Did they not think to put a list of those experiments and instructions for doing them?
  2. While it's been years, we had constant outages with Comcast so they lost their chance. It would be out for days at a time and slow response from customer no-service. Very few problems with AT&T over the years. We just switched to Uverse 2 months ago and I'm happy with it. One thing to remember is there will always be slow downs from time to time with any service. It's the nature of the technology. There are many servers/switches/routers/etc. owned by any number of companies between you and the web sites you're dealing with and any one of them can cause temporary problems.
  3. Make sure you stop by and introduce yourself to me at Mark's Woodcrafts!
  4. According to the article, they're limiting layaway to toys and electronics priced at $15.00 or higher, and the total layaway must total over $50.00 I wonder how many folks will complain that they can't layaway anything they want like they could before.
  5. From what I can decipher in your convoluted attempt at an analogy, you're saying it's management's fault the union goons attacked police and held security guards hostage?
  6. What does any of that that have to do with union thugs attacking police and holding security guards hostage in 2011? Also - what is that last line supposed to mean? It sounds like you're deliberately trying to quote scripture but end up with jibberish.
  7. It is frightening. Imagine the attention this thread would get if it had the title from my article. I can just see the posts from those who've lived their life being brainwashed into thinking Unions can do no wrong.
  8. Here's another article on it with a more descriptive title: Union protesters clash with police in Longview How many think 'Union' when they see the word Longshoremen?
  9. Actually, from what I understand, West Ridge Church has been working with the courts on community service. bradsgirl06 - Wherever you go, make sure is somewhere that uses Community Service a lot so they're familiar with the rules and the paperwork.
  10. You can check with West Ridge Church. They handle a lot of court ordered community service situations.
  11. Try going to a Habitat for Humanity job site and saying the exact same things you post here. Say the same things over and over and over the way you post the same things over and over and over here. Print out the 5 year old charts you keep posting here so you can show them every day to the workers on that job site. Make sure you jump into conversations with off topic drivel the way you do here. If someone tries to debate you on a point, change the subject the way you do here. Do the same with your friends at every opportunity. In other words, treat people in your real life the way you
  12. Small business - maybe. But I think there are some pretty decent sized businesses taking advantage or membership where $150.00 is a drop in the bucket. True, if it could be paid monthly instead of all of once.
  13. I though about getting one, but when the annual price for an artist is the same as a business membership, I think it's both too steep for the artist and way too cheap for the businessman. Most 'artists' will have to sell a lot of product to cover the cost - whether it's $40.00 for a month or $150 for the year, while most of the business owners can make it back easily in one or two sales.
  14. Just so it's gone for Paulding Meadows.
  15. markdavd


    Are these texts or phone calls? Are you expecting other texts in the middle of the night that you do want to wake you?
  16. Did you make sure the modem was in bridge mode? A new router won't help if that was the problem.
  17. Do you know the model number? Start here: http://www.dslreports.com/faq/6405
  18. You probably have to put the modem in bridge mode. What make is it?
  19. As of right now, it's still an unnamed TD. But, if the path remains accurate, it looks like it will pick up where Irene left off - remaining at sea until it hits around New Jersey and New York.
  20. The dishwasher rinsed their hands before handling the clean dishes but did not go to the hand washing sink and scrub them properly.
  21. There's also the possibility that the document is corrupt. If so, whoever placed it on the web site will need to recreate it and put it there again.
  22. I'll have a booth there this year. Everyone - stop by Mark's Woodcrafts and introduce yourselves.
  23. You're comparing yourself with a dung beetle?
  24. I disagree. I believe he wants to put as many on Welfare as he can.
  25. In addition to the Virus scan, check both the backup and Defragment schedules.
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