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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Someone else grabs domains, pays the minimal fee and owns them but doesn't use them. When you try to get the one you want, they hope you'll buy it from them at a lot more than the fees they've paid to own it. Say you want Lowrider.com. You type in www.lowrider.com just to see if it comes up - knowing if it doesn't it's probably available. Instead it comes up with a banner saying it's available and they'll sell it to you. Where they make the money is if they can grab a common business name before a business that owns it - Imagine being able to get Delta.Com or Coke.com before Delta or
  2. PM Sent. Anyone else have anything to add to the list?
  3. Halloween is always Oct 31st. "Trick or Treat" can vary depending on where you live. Local governments all over the country determine the official day and time for trick-or-treating and most folks raised there think nothing of it. For some reason, a number of folks here would rather see the local government change Christmas than determine when the kids can go begging for candy.
  4. You might get a faster answer if you call the school.
  5. When they turn their nose up at a treat or food, just turn your back on them and walk away. If they have any intelligence they'll learn you aren't going to give them what they want. It works with my dogs. They know my daughters might give in but that I won't.
  6. Check with West Ridge Church. They have a program for Community Service the Courts accept.
  7. Are they looking for craft vendors? If so, do you have contact info?
  8. Is there room for more vendors, and if so, who do we contact?
  9. I think I found info on the St. Andrews "Fall into Crafts" Marketplace: http://paulding-neighbor.com/stories/Fall-Into-Crafts-Marketplace-,175735
  10. Is there room for more vendors? If so, can you provide contact information?
  11. He may have had a public defender during the original trial, but with all the publicity, he had some high-powered lawyers on his side during the appeals and reviews. A lowly public defender isn't going to have the resources to convince the Supreme Court to order a lower court to review the evidence the way they did in this case.
  12. All I can say is if the evidence is so overwhelming that this guy really was innocent - he had the absolute worst defense team of all times. How many appeals and reviews did he have and not a single judge or panel thought there was enough evidence to re-try him?
  13. Added to the list. Anyone else? You can also include the Elementary School Fall Festivals where they're looking for outside vendors.
  14. That's a downright lie unless the cattle and hogs or their offspring aren't intended for human consumption.
  15. Added to the list. Do you have contact information for any of these? If so, PM me the info and I'll add them to a list. (I don't want to post the emails in the open - It's a good way to be put on spam lists.) Anyone who wants the contact list can PM me and I'll send it.
  16. It's been a while since someone put together a list of upcoming Craft Shows Here's a start: Oct 1 - Hickory Heights Baptist Church - Craft Show and Yard Sale 9:00-4:00 Oct 7 and 8 = St. Andrews UMC 10 - 5 Oct 8 Amberley Senior Community Craft and Bake Sale 9 AM-5PM Oct 15 - Hope Church Arts & Craft Show - 9:00 - 4:00 Oct. 22 and 23 - City of Smyrna Jonquil Fall Festival Nov 5 - Due West UMC Annual Holiday Market - 9:00 - 2:30 Nov 5 - Ladies Day of Leisure 8 - 3. Nov 12 - County Line UMC - 9:00 - 2:00 Nov 12 and 13 - Christmas in Lithia 10 - 5 and
  17. Usually they've voluntarily chose that profession.
  18. If he were really serious, why didn't he break down the findings by Organic (Harmless) and Inorganic Arsenic? This is the standard way of doing it.
  19. Didn't Oprah get sued when she dissed beef? The legal fees alone could bankrupt OZ.
  20. You do know Fox TV is not the same as Fox News, don't you.
  21. The flip side is the number of children who don't drink tap water who are having their teeth rot because they're not getting fluoride.
  22. Folks - do your own research. There are 2 types of arsenic, organic and inorganic. Organic is harmless. Valid researchers will give the level of both, not a combined total. Fear mongers looking to earn ratings and free publicity will combine the totals. They know the public is gullible and will believe anything they're told by someone in apparent authority. All apples have cyanide in them. They produce it as part of the growing process. Why haven't apples been outlawed because of this? Many things are harmless in minute amounts, but poison in higher amounts.
  23. PM, What was the breakdown of organic vs inorganic arsenic? They are two different things, and if Oz didn't break them down, he's telling half-truths to his audience, which it appears is very gullible.
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