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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. The problem is, it will get just as warm even if we do change things. Some models ignored by the scare mongers show that due to climate feedback, it will get warmer if we do reduce CO2.
  2. I want to know when they're going to start limiting CO2 producing drinks - especially soft drinks, beer and to a lesser extent, champagne. Someone who really believes in man made climate change would have to also believe these things are big contributors to the CO2 problem!
  3. It's obvious Pubby has drunk the Global Cooling Global Warming Climate Change kool aid, and no amount of REAL scientific facts to the contrary will change his mind. He believes every breath he breaths out and every beer or soft drink he opens help change the climate by adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. In his mind it's 100% anthropomorphic. Sun cycles and natural events have nothing to do with it. For the rest of us, here is an interesting analysis of 1990 predictions compared with what actually happened: 990 IPCC predictions confront the data
  4. Please cite a peer reviewed study showing they've been able to do this.
  5. Scientists have 'forseen' disaster related to 'climate change' of some sort or another for 3 decades. Many claimed New York would be underwater by 2010. None of their predictions have come true. The thing to realize is that most if not all of these so called scientists have done all of their research using government grants. They can't get grants by saying everything is fine. It isn't happening! Look at this current study of sea level data: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/06/11/new-sea-level-dataset-now-available-still-flat/
  6. Out of curiosity, what happened if the computer had problems and wouldn't boot? As far as the question the OP asked, ideally, the company would have a slightly different shift for a few folks. Some would start at 7:15 and leave 15 minutes before most. They would be ready to the first calls before 8:00. Most would arrive at 8:00 and be ready to take calls shortly, then a few would start at 8:15 and take the latest calls while everyone else are shutting down their computers and leaving.
  7. Asking everyone to be 15 minutes early is a little much. Going by past precedent, the company will loose. In one industry, the employees must put on fresh uniforms after they arrive (Street clothes aren't allowed for sanitary reasons.) While the company supplied the laundered uniforms every day, they wanted everyone to be changed and ready to go before clocking in. This was a common practice for the entire industry. One of the larger companies was taken to court and lost big time. This affected the practice in the entire industry.
  8. When it's moved to the correct forum, he'll just start another 2 or 3 nearly identical threads.
  9. You're right about that. They vote against their own prosperity every time they vote for a Democrat. Democrats promise prosperity for everyone in their advertisements, and gullible people believe every word of it. How's that hopey changey thing working out for you?
  10. Welcome back. I see you've picked up exactly where you left off. Most people are smart enough to recognize advertising for what it is. There are a gullible few that believe everything and complain about it later if they think they were taken. Because you're always complaining about advertisers, I guess we can assume you've been taken a time or two.
  11. It's 100% up to you! If you're willing to work hard and make GOOD CHOICES, you too can be part of that 10%. If you're not willing to work hard or make BAD CHOICES, you'll be left somewhere in the other 90%. It's obvious that anyone complaining about the 10% has made bad life choices or is unwilling to work hard.
  12. I've seen kids do that at Kroger.
  13. There are a lot of hospitals that specialize in just one disease - Cancer, Spinal Injuries, Joints, etc. Those hospitals can do that because have a number of highly trained specialists just for that one area. There aren't enough of these specialists for each hospital to have even one, let alone an entire team.
  14. Good point. I wonder how many of those folks showed up for work after the first week.
  15. It also doesn't include those who's unemployment has run out so they have no reason to return to the UI office, even if they are looking for work.
  16. I have a big problem with the 'blind' study they were doing. In a real blind study, the doctors don't know if they're using the real medicine or the placebo. Of course, if they did it the right way, they wouldn't have been able to have any of the drama surrounding Meredith switching out the dose for the chief's wife.
  17. I think it's newer member who runs across an OPEN poll and votes. Until they're closed, anyone who hasn't voted can vote. It can be a different person each time.
  18. The problem is, as far as I can remember, I've made comments 2 or 3 threads over the last year or so, but it's been blown into 'almost every time she posts.' The first thread in question thread was about why folks wouldn't support a locally owned business over a national chain. I guess I could have written 3 paragraphs to say the same thing, but the answer would still have been the same: If I need something, I'll go to the store I know is open at the time. --- It's interesting, I just checked the poll. As of right now they're running close to even: 31 say they love the ti
  19. UNTIL THAT ONE - it was already had the controversy before I posted. Now go back and find the one prior to that, not including the one I mentioned above.
  20. I rarely post on her threads. The one mistake was pointing out a line in her Signature that might prevent some of the folks she was targeting with that ad from wanting to frequent her store.
  21. Interesting the nobody has responded to this. Please help me here . . .Exactly what did I write in this thread that would make you feel that way?
  22. Wasn't that discussion about why people go to national chains instead of supporting local businesses? As you say, to each their own.
  23. Please explain exactly what is a 'downer' about my post? A year ago, I said you were closed every time I drove through Powder Springs, and I was accused of being a 'downer' then. I guess that was too judgmental.
  24. Seriously, In order for someone to know what the special is, they have to open the post. In the case of the post in question, someone who loves true crime books might not open the post because they don't want to read about yet another real-life victim being burned. You could put the special in the secondary title. In other words, on the recent topics screen, someone would see: Another person throwing gasoline on someone! 2 for one books today in the True Crime section
  25. markdavd


    The second part works for any year. Last year it was 110, next year it will be 112.
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