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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. ATTENTION EVERYONE: Pubby has placed Paulding.Com in test mode and the site will remain so until Tuesday at Midnight. Until then, please refrain from starting serious discussions, asking serious questions or advertising / discussing upcoming events. Any such topic will be forced off of the 'Recent Topics' page within minutes. Thank you for your attention.
  2. Does anyone know when trick or treating is this year?
  3. It's been reported that after a lifetime of spinning to the left, Pubby has finally seen the error of his ways. This means we should expect to see him making a sharp right turn anytime now.
  4. I'm no expert, but from what I understand, it would.
  5. It's simply because you've have a history of plagiarizing other people's work.
  6. Another scenario is massive solar flares causing the earth's magnetic poles to 'flip' for a few months. There is geological evidence that this has happened in the past. What electronics the flares don't wipe out the magnetic flip will. Imagine living with nothing that uses electricity, including cars and most other engines.
  7. I know. At first, he just posted the poem and nothing else, thereby taking credit for it himself. After I called him on it, he modified his post to give credit and posted the nonsense about a strong man and his postings continued to devolve from there.
  8. I guess you posted it then realized you didn't give credit to the author.
  9. Even organically grown foods contain substances that would be poisonous in high enough quantity, but are perfectly healthy in the miniscule day-to-day quantities we encounter. One example is Apples naturally contain cyanide - they produce it as they grow. If you're worried about chemicals, keep in mind that Dihydrogen Monoxide kills more people every year than almost any other chemical out there. Facts About Dihydrogen Monoxide
  10. True. TP, Seriously - you need to start a blog. Your musings would fit much better in that environment and you would reach a much bigger audience. Go to http://wordpress.com/ and start there. Whenever you make an entry, come here and post a link. (I know pubby will tell us you can blog off of P.com, but I don't think that will give you the audience you would get from WordPress.)
  11. No thanks. What would you do if they didn't have coupons?
  12. Is it me, or are the OP's comments devolving into nonsensical musings?
  13. It's a burger joint, not a 5 star restaurant. If you're near 5 Guys, go there. If you're near Bobby's, go there. If you're near somewhere better, go there. If you don't like it, pick another place nearby next time.
  14. Why do you claim my leaves have not been raked? They have been raked, picked up and disposed of properly. Our leaves on the other hand . . .
  15. This is why they clearly need to specify and enforce a limit 'X Per Customer Per day.' That way they can stop the selfish shelf clearers who see nothing wrong with preventing others from benefiting from the deals. Who cares if these folks get mad at a store - the stores certainly aren't getting anything but a headache from them. Even getting the stuff cheap or 'for free' with the intent to donate technically violates the intents of the coupon and is selfish if it prevents others from participating in the deal. The idea of coupons was to get you to buy something you normally wouldn't s
  16. You get to put your own toppings on at Bobby's. Everyone's tastes in burgers are different, so give it a try.
  17. Things change. There was a period of time in the recent past where written word sent via the post office was the most common means of communication with family and acquaintances. Technology changed and much of that communication was done via telephone, with letters sent less frequently and cards sent once a year to family and casual acquaintances. Now, with email, texting and social media, we now know what those casual acquaintances had for dinner last night, how they are doing with their virtual farm, and whether or not their dog is regular.
  18. How can anyone expect us to take so called constructive criticism from someone who won't take constructive criticism themselves?
  19. They need to update and clarify the language of the coupons and the policies. It's too easy to argue the current language. "Limit 2 like coupons per customer per day" is very clear. “Limit one coupon per purchase.” is not. "Purchased items are not for resale" is very clear. "For personal use only" is less so.
  20. I tracked down the web site for Christmas in Lithia. It looks like there are still a few days to get a discount on the application fee. http://www.christmasinlithia.com/#!page-4 Warning - the site plays music.
  21. FYI - My listing should be Mark's Woodcrafts, not Mark's Woodworking. Swing by before going to the Taste of Paulding and say Hi!
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