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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Is it really effective? The real question is how many customers does it bring in? I wonder if she would get more customers in the door if she just said what the days special was.
  2. IIRC, Lafayette was the one who was killed at the end of the first book.
  3. It doesn't matter what the signs say, if the drinking was done on his property or at one of his events he would be named.
  4. I guess that says it right there. A percentage of his customers refuse to abide by the rules and continue to drink. If he (or his employees) don't immediately kick them out when first seen, they deserve to have the permits pulled. Perhaps they need to inspect vehicles and coolers on entrance and confiscate all alcohol found. As is is, if someone does drink at one of these events and leaves driving drunk and hurts someone in an accident, Wesley probably will be named as an accessory in any lawsuit. He might or might not win, but will still have to spend tens of thousands on attorney fe
  5. Been there - done that! It seems like yesterday they were newborn infants. Reminds me of a story my mom tells. When she turned thirty, she called her mother and cried about how she was getting old. After a minute or so of this, my grandmother told here to shut up and told her there was something worse. My mother wined 'what could be worse?' My grandmother said . . . Having a kid turn thirty!
  6. If you're giving away something without strings attached to get rid of it, go ahead and list it. If you're giving away something to generated business, you'll probably need to have a business account.
  7. Correct, they're filming another move. Did anyone hear explosions last night? (Other than East Paluding's cannon at the end of graduation.) I didn't.
  8. I just assume that those who go on and on screaming and making fools of themselves are celebrating the first person in their family to ever graduate from high school!
  9. At the East Paulding Graduation tonight, they told us what the 'demolition' was for so we wouldn't be concerned if we heard explosions. (We didn't.) I'm surprised it wasn't talked about here already! In the meantime, I have a secret . . . :rofl:
  10. Does anyone know what part of East Paulding they're doing this at? I hope it's no where near the High School because Graduation is tonight. I can just see them deciding to close the roads for a few minutes just as the Graduation lets out.
  11. What you're saying is you would have no problem with the SO setting up outside the exit checking for Drunk Drivers because they'd be wasting their time?
  12. If they don't have to be round, many shredders now shred into pieces about 1/8" x 1/2".
  13. Is anyone else's land line out after the storms? If so what area of the county are you? We're in East Paulding near the WalMart. I was finally able to wade through AT&T's automated system to get a repair ticket placed, but there's a 25 minute wait to talk to a real person.
  14. Just wait until Obamacare kicks in - it will only get worse.
  15. To paraphrase the pro-TSA search folks: "If they don't want to be searched they can find another dance, the rest will feel more secure knowing nobody has smuggled explosives in their underwear."
  16. Don't forget Lisa Edelstein is leaving the show. It will be a very interesting first episode.
  17. How long does it take the average fan to get to and from a baseball game in San Fran .vs. how long does it take in Atlanta? What about Cincinnati?
  18. That's not a good comparison. Those are not sports that hold daily games. What would happen to attendance if the same football team played on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, AND Thursday of the same week -or- Friday and Saturday And Sunday on the same weekend? How many football games or Nascar Races are there at in a stadium in one season? People are willing to go a lot further for a rare game than a daily game. If you want to fill a venue on a daily basis, you need easy accessibility.
  19. Only from the standpoint that they don't consider the consequences of placing a sports arena an inaccessible location.
  20. What's BS? There is plenty of evidence to show the sleazeball stabbed the Marine. Here are stories from 3 local news sites. They just don't mention the police report: http://www.onlineathens.com/stories/112610/bre_741955247.shtml http://chronicle.augusta.com/news/metro/2010-11-29/marine-lauded-heroic-act http://www.wrdw.com/crimeteam12/headlines/Marine_stabbed__110885944.html The rest is just icing on the cake.
  21. I'm sure the confusion is because in the past, etiquette dictated that the OWNER of the establishment was never tipped. That has changed: http://www.findalink.net/tippingetiquette.php
  22. "The subject was also transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken ankle, a broken leg, several missing teeth, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions, assorted lacerations, a broken nose and a broken jaw … injuries he sustained when he slipped and fell of the curb after stabbing the Marine.” according to a police report.
  23. I heard someone say "What did she expect? She's a Kennedy. She was raised in a family where all the men cheat." Then again, maybe she thought she'd have better luck marring outside her political party.
  24. She need to be on at least the first episode next season so the character can have a believable departure. What about her replacement? Imagine the problems House will have with a boss who does not understand him and his methods.
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