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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Congrats Gipper!!! So excited for you!!
  2. An illegal immigrant who was residing in Norcross after being convicted of sexual battery was among more than 3,100 people federal immigration authorities say they arrested during their six-day “Cross Check” operation last week. Arrests occurred in all 50 states. Among those arrested were: • 2,834 people with criminal convictions, including murder, kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, armed robbery, terroristic threats, drug trafficking, child abuse and sexual crimes against minors • 50 gang members • 149 convicted sex offenders • 698 convicted criminals who had
  3. Come on now... You know some of the peeps on here will not change their mind... Good try...
  4. If you are on Pinterest there are several good ideas on there
  5. I just interviewed a Speical Investigator in Douglas County..... all I can say is WOW... Why the hell would you spend $12-$15 on fake pot when you can buy the real stuff.. Same goes for Bath Salts..... that schiiit is evil.
  6. I just want to remind everyone that MANY people on here believed the media about Ryan Brunn. He looked so innocent....he only was smoking pot....he was scared...those mean, mean police officers bullied him. I tried to tell everyone then that the police had more info than what was released. Get your heads out of the sand people. Police work don't work like it does on CSI. I'm saying it again......the POLICE have MORE information than the news. The news and media have to get hits on their website and for people to buy papers.
  7. 911 operators are not the police... just so ya know. They should and will never tell you to follow someone. They will discourage against it because of a possible lawsuit if something happens. Just because someone works for the Sheriff's Office that doesn't make them a P.O.S.T. certified officer which almost all officers are.
  8. I have friend that works there...I'll send her a message and see She said a kid went down on the track and he was awake but not responding. He is ok now
  9. I couldn't agree with you more!! This is what locally owned do!
  10. I was a smart mouth defiant teenager. My mom taught me what blood tasted like on several occasions. Taste a lot like iron. She also would snatch me up by the hair at the back of my neck... Oh and I always heard... I brought you into this world and I'll take ya out. Oh I'll neve forget the time I decided to hit her. It felt like the world stopped. Everything moved in slow motion. No matter what type of disorder she has...stop putting up with her schit to keep the drama down. Tell her about a place called Deveraux.
  11. She could be out on bond... it could have been an involuntary manslaughter charge... I don't know... but just because someone was killed don't make it a murder and she would qualify for a bond. Lots of scenarios could be happening. I'm not being snippy...
  12. Sorry...I like Tebow...but this is funny.
  13. Oh lawd... I love me some Walking Dead on Sundays.... I always made sure I had all my stuff done so I could focus on that show! I kinda thought Rick was sorta smokin hot when he took charge of the group. I likes a man in charge Darrell does rock the white trash/badboy pretty damn good...
  14. He wasn't an armed cop wannabe. He was licensed gun owner. I'm not saying what he did was right or wrong...but TP is making out like this guy is a patrol man/watchman or even a guard. He wasn't.... He was a freakin volunteer!!
  15. You really try to push the line. This jackbag wasn't a watchman. A watchman gets paid. This was a guy who participated in a NEIGHBORHOOD watch program. Just like many others in this county alone or across the US. You really need to stop the play on words.
  16. MrDis I don't have any advice for you or SW. But I'll remember you in my prayers. I know this is hard. I am a CASA volunteer and I have seen parents that have had to deal with this. I know they had to instutionalize them. These were good parents just like y'all. It broke the parents heart having to deal with this, but like you they had to look out for the interest of the other child. Prayers going up! You do have your hands full.
  17. Yes LR... .it is located beside Tractor Supply where Tropical Joe's use to be.
  18. 1st thing everyone needs to remember is just because you are CHARGED with a crime don't necessarily mean you will ever be indicted or plea. The Grand Jury still has to INDICT them. Oh and I know that the Air Force Child's mom is on here. I know she isn't proud of her son being involved.....if he was.
  19. WoW.... just after a lot of people was volunteering to help clean up Poole....and in the tornado's path...these little crumb snatchers creating more work. My mom would have BEAT my ass. I'd be begging to stay in jail! Oh, and these kids won't get to just sit in a holding cell. After so long they will be deliced, and stripped and put into a jumpsuit and placed into GP- general population.... if someone don't bail them out pretty quick.
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