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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Mr.Dis... I'm sorry. I will make you a candy dish if you want one. These was personalized with the old truck on it also. Plus....you're to far.... I don't think I could have handled those kids on a trip over there. I was kidding with the firemen and told them the next field trip was to YDC.. Freebird...it was so cold that day the kids didn't want to stand outside. They did lift the bay doors and turned on the lights and blew the horns... scared the beejabus outta me
  2. We had fun. And almost everyone knows I have a love for firemen and firefighter stuff. I collect all sorts of FF stuff. Weird..I know. Not sure which one is your hubby, but thank him again for us. I hope he enjoys his candy dish!
  3. He could have had some pending friends request and the new friends just accepted his request. Hope he is found soon!
  4. No different than a cheap Chinese lighter catching you on fire Chinese Lighter
  5. We took a group of kids from our church to visit the firemen at station 2 in Hiram on Sunday. They wanted to make Valentine's gifts and take them to show them their appreciation. Just thought I'd share some photos with everyone. 1st is a bubble gum type candy dish that I made for each of them. There was a 'kit' of items for the firemen inside the dish. The kids also made super hero's made out of suckers, a cape and a mask They give them PopRocks that was labeled "You Rock" and they gave them some cupcakes and homemade candies.
  6. The Dugout is doing .40 cent wings on FRIDAY night too!!!!! ::wahoo::
  7. I spent a month up there working in the Great Smokey Mountains NP. We stayed in the heart of Gatlinburg at the Clarion Inn and Suites. They have an indoor pool. They are within walking distance to everything in Gatlinburg. Driving and Parking is a biotch in Gat/PF. Never any parking in Gatlinburg or you have to pay out the butt. We just walked to all the restaurants downtown.
  8. I'm glad this woman was found. safe. I also hope she gets the help she needs. I don't know what kind of help she needs exactly, I'm not a doctor (but I do play one on pcom) I pray the parents do everything in their power to help her, but she is an adult and has the final say in whatever type of treatment is recommended. She needs help. Nobody in their right mind bolts during the middle of the night, deactivate their FB page and just take off, no money, no real plans. She left to see another guy when she has a boyfriend she had plans with on Saturday. I will keep this family lifted up
  9. Story don't add up! How was she kidnapped and held and made to stay in a homeless shelter. She said she escaped this morning.... *cough* bullschit *cough*
  10. Story don't add up! How was she kidnapped and held and made to stay in a homeless shelter. She said she escaped this morning.... *cough* bullschit *cough*
  11. everytime I hear that..it reminds me of the 70's and 80's....and my mom... God love'er.
  12. He shouldn't be using tampons... Sorry.. I know that was bad... Get well soon Clivey
  13. There was 2 houses broken into off of Nebo Road this past weekend. On Hitchcock. This may be the same person!! Be sure to let the police know that it may be in connection with the break in's from this past weekend. Where or what subdivision on Nebo?
  14. I like everything I've had so far. I'm hoping tomorrow is wing night!! Yeah Come on!! (in my best Southside Steve voice)
  15. all it said was **SWC @ Nicole Drive** for the next **couple of hours** due to traffic accident. One lane closed.
  16. I didn't know there was a minute clinic or a CVS in Dallas? Are you sure you wasn't at Walgreens? DO they have minute clinic?
  17. I didn't get the one infront of PCHS. I did get the one from Sweetwater Church yesterday. I even got the email for that one.
  18. http://www.superbowl-commercials.org/11401.html
  19. I agree with NC!Now is about you! Do stuff that you wouldn't have never dreamed of doing. Go on vacation by yourself. Make a bucket list and start on it. Once you've finshed it, make another one. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know this is tough.
  20. if you clean it... like wipe it down with shaving cream...any mirror will be fog free
  21. Thoughts... you came in right after I left. Those wings was awesome!!! The flavors...you just can't describe how they have such good flavoring! I was blown away!! We ordered 40 and was planning on taking some home and to work today....well, crap...that didn't happen.
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