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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. it's funny that snopes says it's an urban myth...but when we went to Hays State Prison...they called out to some of the saggers that was on the tour. That is exactly what they told them. That in there...if you showed your arse..then it was an open invitation and you was looking for a partner. And they wasn't talking about a chess partner.
  2. I'm diabetic and eat hamburgers. But I also walk. I damn sure ain't giving up chocolate either! It's called moderation I agree with Shananigans.
  3. Hey Snick...where ya been? Glad you could join us again. The oldest does still live around here.... goldmine road area. I think the dad is the one I feel the most for. He loved his boys. He never thought they would do this. I agree with Pooky, people don't raise their kids to be killers. Well 99.9% of parents don't.
  4. The new Camaro or a 1970 Camaro...but my all time dream car is
  5. I have known the owner and his family for over 15 years. I use to work with his mom. They are good people!! I wish him the best of luck. Paulding can be a tough crowd.
  6. Rest in Peace Brandy! You will have lots of friends and neighbors missing you.
  7. Ok...this is going to be on a Sunday during church hours. Say.. 10:45-12:00. I'm not sure about a tour. They are wanting to do something for 2 fire houses. Like make cupcakes and give them hand made valentines day cards.
  8. I thought I would ask this here because there are firefighters and spouses on this site. I know of someone wanting to take a group of kids to the fire dept on a Sunday in the near future. 1. What can they bring the firefighters? Can they bring baked goods or does it have to be store bought? 2. Do you need to get approval first from each fire house they visit? TIA
  9. YaY!! Good Job!! Once you're hired... please post a picture in your turn-out gear... that way we have proof you're a fireman and not just playing one on T.V. I kid...I kid... not really
  10. Drive north of there and see the big water tower that looks like a peach...but if you really look at it...it looks like a butt crack.. Just north of there is Cowpens/Gaffney. There is several outlets there.
  11. Do you plan on making this a full bar? Like with TV's, beer and superbowl parties... Oh My I'm going to try to come up there this weekend. It's been years since I've seen David. ( I saw his mom recently) Oh just to let everyone know that if you text Dugout to 86677 they will send you text messages of special going on!
  12. I just looked at it over at MicroCenter. I'll save my $$ for a silhouette cameo.
  13. Is Photoshop Elements very expensive? I know most versions of Photoshop is... Just curious?
  14. The Family Dollar on 61 beside the soon to be old Food Lion opened today. The big grand opening will be Saturday. My friend said there will be giveaways
  15. I think there is places to sit. Look at the web page. Then look at the photos on facebook
  16. the public safety club at CTC did a tour of Jackson. If you want to get a good inside to the prison system here in Ga or some other states then you need to watch Hard Time on NatGeo. You will be in SHOCK
  17. There is a process when they are admitted into the prison system. He was at Jackson because that is where all inmates go before they are shipped to the prison they go to. There is a 30 day classification process that is done at Jackson. Everyone is usually on suicide watch during this time. Especially the newbie’s like Brunn. He was delicate. This 30 day processing period is when most do commit suicide. I still say this is why he pled guilty so fast. He had already been in jail for a while. He had a plan. His plan was to pled guilty and the take his life. He knew he would never be put in
  18. The law in Ga. is clear on this. The "artist" (I use that term loosly) can't tattoo ANYBODY under 18. PERIOD. It doesn't say...with parents consent. It says they can't tattoo anyone under 18. The "artist" should be held also. If the momma wanted her baby to have a tattoo...then she should have taken him to Alabama. He could have gotten it done there.....with her consent. This is a fact. I know of a now 18 yr old that has 3. His parents took him when he was 17 get all of his.
  19. His crimes escalated. Typical of of a child abuser/molester. He thought it would be like the others, he had to silence her. The others, he moved away from.
  20. PCSO was really OUT on Bill Caruth last night around 9:30. I was on my way home from school and they was "lightin them up" on that road.
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