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Everything posted by drl429

  1. At least it does kind of stay the same color now, it used to change colors every week. It also seems like it started changing when her hair grew back after her breast cancer.
  2. My nieces are 15 months apart - they are grown now (22 and 23) but they are the best of friends and have always been so close. It has been interesting to see them grow up - they are so protective of each other and they really enjoy each other's company. Congratulations!
  3. I think it is a great opportunity for you and your son. If you turn it down will the chance ever come again?
  4. My brother knows Dr. Clower from high school. My son goes to NGCSU and Dr. Clower has been very helpful to him! I agree, Dr. Clower is awesome!
  5. If we are dining out and I see well mannered children on their best behavior I always make an effort to tell the parents what a pleasure it was to dine in the same room with their children and how much I appreciate it. It is rare to see well behaved kids these days!
  6. Party City is supposed to open July 1st.
  7. My terrier is high strung and Luke always takes care of her. I actually took her to another place one time (before I found Lume) and they called me and told me it would be an extra $20.00 for grooming her because she was wild! When I picked her up, they gave me the what for and said she would be tranquilized if I brought her back. Well, she never went back to them and never will. Luke is FANTASTIC! Sorry, Lume is actually Luke - my blood was boiling just thinging about the "other" groomer.
  8. In referring to the question about the big dog - my brother and sister in law had a huge dog - the burglars hit the dog on the head with an iron. (They brought the iron with them). So - dogs don't always help!
  9. Any one know how many grads from Paulding this year? WOW! Congratulations to your son and you!
  10. You know, Scotty might not like the song either. Unfortunately the IDOL people rule -
  11. How beautiful - absolutley makes me smile and your pictures belong in magazines!
  12. Yes, it does catch up with them but don't you feel for the person who accidentally gets in the way!
  13. I work in real estate law - depending on the situation (management company or neighborhood volunteers) a management company will place a lien against the property and it will have to be paid at some point - possibly when they sell the proeprty. They usually have an attorney working for them to collect.
  14. Reading this brings back the most unpleasant memories - my stomach is in knots for you all. Have faith - they do grow up - I have 4 boys who have turned out pretty good - I didn't think it would ever happen.
  15. My son graduated from there in 1997. Wonder if you know each other---
  16. I know it is not close by but Pappasita's on hwy 41 has yellow cheese. GREAT FOOD! Kind of pricey.
  17. I was waiting in the car while my husband ran in for meds at Wallyworld one day. A mother and 2 children (probably 5 & 7 years of age) came out and got in their car. The mother had the kids clearning out the car and throwing the trash out the car window into the parking lot, old hamburger wrappers, coke cans, napkins, too many to be just one days' worth. I tried to say something to her and she just ignore me and left.
  18. My Mom and Dad live next door to the building (community clubhouse) that the group is standing in front of. Mom said she knew at least 39 families in her community lost everything.
  19. I may be wrong but I think it was Spaulding instead of Paulding. I know Ringgold got hit hard.
  20. Our pool is full and we have different color frogs. Mine are ugly! My beagle is going nuts over the frogs! My terrier could care less.
  21. What about some sort of a walk-a-thon or something similar? She pledges to_______ for 1 hour or etc. and people pledge to pay her (for charity) so much if she reaches her goal.
  22. I don't think anyone any age should be charged with this. My heart goes out to all involved. I simply cannot imagine how they must feel. God bless you all!
  23. The news reported they are Muslim. Husband shocked she went out after dark? All I know is my husband would be shocked if I didn't go out. I suppose that is the Muslim way?
  24. Glad to hear your daughter was with you. Hope she is feeling better about everything. God bless you and hope you continue to get good news.
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