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Everything posted by drl429

  1. As for bad days, especially at work, I take a deep breath and blow it out hard. I do it about once every half hour or so. It really helps. Sometimes I just stop what I am doing, close my eyes and think of my favorite spot to be. It tends to relax me and then I keep telling myself, you can get through this because this too shall pass. I have finally started to realize that my reaction makes the bad day much worse, so I have tried to find ways to calm myself down. It has really helped. If you are having a bad day, I hope it gets better fast.
  2. It has been a few years but I have been in that situation as well. I hope your son is going to be fine and bless you. - It is never easy dealing with these sort of things. Hope you get home soon and you can get some rest. I was never able to rest when one of my kids was in a hospital. Along with the worry, there is so much going on with nurses and etc. They are constantly in the room. I very much appreciate them and realize they are doing their job (very well) but is can be tiring.
  3. I work at an office across the street from one of the tire places busted yesterday. They actually were next door for the last 8 or so years and moved across the street sometime last year. They always had a lot of customers! Go figure!
  4. My husband lost his job a couple of years ago and found a job delivering new cars all over the US. His employer arranged for him to have 3-5 days off a month and during those times he drove whatever vehicle he had at the time home. I often wondered what our neighbors thought. No one ever said anything, but I could almost feel eyes staring at me whenever I was outside.
  5. I saw both shows and I also do not believe what Mr. Williams said. I do believe his ex-wife is sincere and truly wants the best for him, even if it means he does not have a relationship with his kids. The daughters are too much - they lied to Dr. Phil as well. One of the daughters and one of the sons actually enabled Mr. Williams to drink alcohol. They purchased it for him. I hope all of them get the help they need and can turn their lives around. I do like his voice.
  6. I need help with my screen. All I can get to is the daily topics. The "movie" is over all the other subject lines.
  7. I am a parent of 4 who have been or are in college now. You do have to re-do the FAFSA form every year and it needs to be done in May before the year you are attending college or the funds might not come in soon enough. Depending on the school, you might have to pay out of pocket and be reimbursed at a later time if your funds don't come in soon enough. Also, even if you have pell and hope now, if you are still in high school, you must get the FAFSA form done before you can get funds sent to your choice college. Hope this helps
  8. My boss has been going there for years and says he has tried everything on the menu -- ?? He loves it all. He takes us there sometimes and we all love it as well. In fact, we are going tomorrow for lunch.
  9. Done and prayers said for you all.
  10. What about "Ihavetwodogs" - I assume he/she is a "people" that you would see.
  11. I don't know for sure, but it might have been because you were on public property - (assuming it happened in the Zaxby's parking lot). Check into it, but sometimes the police will take a report but they don't place blame. I have been told different things.
  12. Don't forget the bread to sober you up after all the beer and eggnog! Don't forget the bread to sober you up!
  13. I use pretty much the same as everyone else, but if you want some heat - use mild rotel tomatoes instead of regular tomatoes.
  14. Sounds to me like all they are going to accomplish is hurting the Edward's precious children.
  15. Hop, skip and jump = just over there round the corner = just over there hot as a snail's tail = really hot cold as a snail's tail = really cold Don't get your panties in a wad -- (is that southern?) = don't get upset about it
  16. I too am driven insane by spelling and grammar errors, especially grammar errors. I don't like past tense verbs being used for present tense. It drives me crazy.
  17. I was in your shoes last spring. My son also went on a couple of interviews for medical school. I am proud to say he is now attending Mercer Medical School in Savannah. I am sending you all the hope, prayers and juju you can handle. Let us know what happens - he probably won't know for a few weeks.
  18. You both have my prayers. It could be anyone of us anyday. You both seem to have a lot of courage and I admire that very much!
  19. Never been - don't drink coffee or hot chocolate. I probably wouldn't go even if I did because of the prices.
  20. Monk costume with potato chips bags pinned all over it - "Chipmonk" A large black bag stuffed with newpapers - "raisin man"
  21. Denise, You are an amazing person and I know that your trials and tribulations have made you even stronger. I am so sorry to hear about Phillip. I feel as if I know you from all your posts. Hold Phillip close and give him a hug from me! I will be praying for you everyday. Please keep us updated as to his progress. I know that with your strength and God's hands, he is in the best place he can be.
  22. I'm going. My son and my niece go to North GA College and we spend the day with them and my brother & sister in law. After Goldrush - my son and niece cook dinner for us. Yearly event!
  23. C Mark Willix is right - Georgia is not an escrow state, but sometimes if there are repairs or etc to be made after the buyer has signed docs, the funds are held until the repairs are made. California and several other states are considered "escrow" states and that is the normal procedure for closing. Escrow means an account the funding is held in.
  24. Totally agree with LPPT - age does not mean maturity. I know a couple of 35+ year olds who are not mature enough to handle driving. There is no clear cut answer, but I do believe a parent knows their child best and can determine when their maturity level is at the point where they can handle driving. A lot also depends on how well a child handles peer pressure. They may be the most mature kid at home and go completely crazy when pressured by friends to do something wild.
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