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Everything posted by drl429

  1. I read this about Phillip's kidney problems, but take it with a grain of salt. After all I read it in a magazine. The story goes: apparently he was born with I believe they said was that a 1/3 or so of his intestines (small maybe) was dead and had to be removed. As a result he has had kidney stones all his life. They put a stent in his kidney to help it drain long enough for him to get through American Idol. After it is over, they are going to do surgery on him to try and correct the drainage problem and possibly something else. My aunt just had the same kind of stent taken out and
  2. I can't get them to accept Internet coupons. (At least at the other locations)
  3. Here is one I have used - CopyKat.com Try it.
  4. My brother had it in college and my dil had it at Christmas. If your daughter is healthy and does what the doc tells her to do she should get over it fairly quickly with no lasting effects. If she has health issues, might be tougher on her. Good luck!
  5. My dad used to say, "say a prayer, kiss your tail good-bye and close your eyes".
  6. Not sure what happened, but it looks like lightning got one of our trees and split about a fourth of it off. We had a power blip and it could have happened then. We think it split the tree and it might have taken a couple of hours for the tree to actually fall apart onto the ground. We didn't even hear it! Boy, talk about a surprise when we opened the door this morning to leave.
  7. I believe they can set up a winner or cause a downfall by the comments they make. Sometimes it seems like the voters go against the judges just to rebel and then sometimes it seems like they dont' dare go against the judges. I just wish the judges would be quiet about their particular favorites and let America decide! I think we have enough sense to know what we like, even if the technicality of our favorites is not always right on the money.
  8. I heard the slip and I wondered what in the heck! Then Randy told Jessica she was number one --- ?????
  9. My son is a senior at North Georgia College. Did you daughter go to EPHS? I wonder if they know each other. My son has decided to stay another year at NG and get his masters degree. Congratulations to your daughter? My son is a senior at NG - we have loved the school! good luck to your son!
  10. I did it for years, but after my kids were born, I woke up so often that the sleepwalking stopped. Unfortunately 3 of my 4 children did the same. They would take showers with their clothes on, make sandwiches and put them in their dresser drawers, go outside and numerous other things - too many to mention. It did not stop at home either. One of them actually had problems sleepwalking at friend's houses. Some of the parents would call me freaking out, not knowing what to do. We tried medication and all it did was put them in a deeper sleep and they had trouble waking up. They did not
  11. Best advice ever given - Dance for yourself. At some point in your later years, if you only dance for someone else, you will absolutely feel you missed out and wonder why you did it! But be kind to others, don't dance to the tune of being cruel!
  12. You sort of take it one day at a time. I have four who have moved on. One is still local and other three are far away. One in Chicago, one in Savannah (not out of GA, but 5-1/2 hours away) and one is in Dahlonega - only 1-1/2 hours away. It is really strange not being able to just hop in the car and go see them anytime I want to. When my first one left, even though there were 3 more at home, I had a hard time adjusting. He was the one the others looked up to and they missed him terribly. We finally adjusted and the second oldest kind of took on the role model thing. Then when summer
  13. Congratulations! Being a Mom is the best feeling in the world. I hope he sleeps and lets you get some rest. In case he doesn't sleep and after about two weeks you are tired and ready to take him back, just so you know -- they won't take him back! LOL Seriously, enjoy every second!
  14. If she is a social butterfly and likes texting, hit her where it hurts. Have texting taken off her phone and tell her she can earn it back as a reward for good behavior.
  15. Stop kicking yourself and have a great day just for spite! It happens to all of us!
  16. drl429


    You are probably right - I heard school sanctions would be applied. That could have meant being kicked out of school and I interpreted it to mean privileges would be taken away.
  17. drl429


    Even if they manage to get in a good college, if they need financial aid they may not get it if they are charged with a felony. The FAFSA application definitely asks about felonies.
  18. drl429


    I was one who defended school spirit. This was not school spirit - it was vandalism, plain and simple and they should be punished. I was told that there might have been some adults involved as well, possibly parents. I also think they should pay $ to have it cleaned up, although when I came by the school this morning, it looked like there will be a faint sign of waht was written on the building for a long time to come. I understand some of their school privileges will be taken away also. I wonder if that means possibly prom, parking spaces, sports and things like that. It definitely shoul
  19. My favorites are Hollie, Jessica and Phillip. Maybe I am missed something when she was singing, but I thought they were kind of harsh on Shannon.
  20. drl429


    Also, once this is taken care of one way or the other, tell your friend to make sure the lien is released by the lumber company and the release is recorded through the county public records. The lien release is an actual document that the lumber company prepares. If it is still showing open of record on a title search when she tries to refi or sale, she will have to start at the beginning and get a release and have it recorded. At that time, the lumber company could be out of business or etc and it would be hard to do then. I do know (depending on what type of lien it is) that sometime
  21. That Curves has been gone for a while. The one on Merchant's Drive (next to Tequila's) has been gone for 4 years or so.
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