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Everything posted by drl429

  1. Well, let's face it. No matter what "Santa" Steven does, brings us toys or works on our cars, we all love him! He apparently is good at everything!
  2. The chicken story reminds of the puppy the lady tried to mail earlier this year.
  3. strawberry salad with pretzels - I don't even like pretzels but this is very good. I don't have the recipe--
  4. Mine is getting shoulder surgery and 3 months off - Must be the new rage! My husband's is rotator cuff and the tendon which is supposed to be attached to his bicep, (car accident).
  5. I don't know for certain, but I suspect one of my sons is an alcoholic. Of course, he denies it and won't even discuss it with me. He does not live at home. I hate what he is doing to himself. He has goals, but at this point until he gets his drinking under control, I don't think he ever will achieve them. I do believe you can have a couple of drinks and still be accountable for your actions, but he drinks to get drunk. He believes he can't have as much fun unless he is totally drunk. Any thing he can think of to celebrate, his celebration includes getting drunk. I know my problem so
  6. If you happen to be a diabetic, the wound (scab part) can take a lot longer to heal as well.
  7. I am a born here, raised here, Georgia peach. My family does not wrap Santa, but I think it may have started that way because after buying Santa for such a large family, there might have not been enough $ left to buy wrapping paper. LOL
  8. There is also an LGE on East West Connector. In front of theaters.
  9. I saw them in the apples at Walmart on 120 yesterday!
  10. Netty Pots are wonderful. Buy my allergies are so bad I still have to take Zyrtec D.
  11. Check with the pharmacist and ask if the antibiotic your son is on will also take care of pneumonia. I know the pharmacist knows a lot more about meds than the doc does. If he says it will, then don't worry too much unless the cough gets really tight. When it is tight it sounds like they are coughing and nothing is moving anywhere, kind of like dry heaving with nothing happening. If he has a loose cough - something should be coming up when he coughs. If the antibiotic will not take care of pneumonia, take him somewhere and have him checked. I finished reading thread and realized you a
  12. Nuevo Laredo is good - Chattahoochee Ind. Blvd - Atlanta but - no atmosphere, so loud you can't hear anyone talking. La Parillo (spelling?) is our absolute favorite. Always hot and fresh. Their salsa and chips are great! There is one on Dallas Highway. Also one on the square in Marietta and one in Powder Springs.
  13. Off topic, back to House. Any anyone heard Hugh Laurie's new CD (jazz)? It is fantastic. He sings and plays instrument.
  14. His live show is very good! I laughed so hard I was sore. It really is not appropriate for young children. His language is not clean!
  15. My son is a police officer and you DO NOT have to get a criminal justice degree to be a police officer. In fact, you don't even have to have a degree. My daughter in law is also a police officer and she does have a criminal justice degree and does not make one penny more than my son. If you have a degree, you do get paid more, but it does not have to be in criminal justice. My son's degree, which he got after he became a police officer, is in biology. You apply at the particular county you wish to be in, you are tested and if you pass the written tests, physical tests, eye tests and et
  16. Yeah, but I have a strong guilt complex. I am afraid I would be sorry after about a month!
  17. Congratulations - you must be very proud!
  18. Yep, true as that is, I stopped short before I ate mine.
  19. I am not a customer, but I am praying for your daughter!
  20. I have one piece of advice, no matter which way you decide to go. Sit down with a pad of paper and pen and write down the events of this debt and when they happened. Tell your side of the story on paper and if you decide to seek help, be sure and show that to whomever you choose to help. Be sure to include any information as to when they tried to collect and anything else you can remember. If is serves as nothing else, it will help you remember more than if you just try and recall in front of a judge or etc. List all the details of how the computer did not work and other details you think
  21. Yep, saw him punt twice. Had to leave and couldn't watch the rest of the game.
  22. I checked last week and most of the help needed was seasonal only.
  23. We call it "the castle". I have seen military vehicles there several times. Some big secret -- I guess.
  24. Agree with the vinegar, take a soft cloth and saturate it in vinegar. It burns a little at first but it really helps take the burn out and helps keep the peeling from being so bad.
  25. You are a true friend and if that person cannot see that, it is their loss. If you really think about it, I know is sounds bad, but you are enabling them to continue with their behavior, the same way we sometimes enable our children. I know it hurts to have to stop helping but you are doing the right thing and the best thing for your family, which is what it is all about. I wonder if they would have done the same for you if you ever asked?-- Good luck to you!
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