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Everything posted by drl429

  1. I wonder if he is trying to hide the evidence from someone at his home, possibly spouse. Not an excuse, I was just wondering.
  2. I wish I knew how to answer that. We actually represent the lenders in purchases. However, I do know that the tax history is part of the information gathered by us. Since you are the seller, the buyer might want to see it. I would have any records of repairs and improvements made in the last few years. Sometimes that reassures the buyer. If there are repairs to be made, make it very clear to the buyer and/or agent what you might be willing to repair out of your pocket or if you are willing to allow credit dollars to the buyer for the repairs. For instance, I know a lot of buyers appreci
  3. I take high blood pressure meds and gout meds and sometimes mine are high. I have to come off the gout meds for a while and the enzymes straighten themselves out. In my case, drugs cause it. Don't know what other causes could be.
  4. I work for a real estate attorney. One thing to think about--- the lender of the buyer (assuming they don't pay cash) will get their own appraiser. They more than likely will not accept an appraisal you have done. Also, the termite inspection report must be dated within 30 days of the closing, so getting one now will just mean that it has to be updated later. Also, in the new contracts, the buyer is now responsible for the termite report in most cases. Some lenders do not even require termite reports now. But it is certainly a relief for the buyer to have that reassurance. Good l
  5. Luke is the only one I will take my babies to for grooming. His knows magic! supposed to say he knows magic
  6. Thank you WebsterMom!!! My parents are on the list as well as a couple of my aunts/uncles.
  7. I was thinking that maybe, if they know you are about to approach their parents, they might decide to abide by your wishes rather than bring their parents into the situation. Possibly you could say, "I hate to do this, but I suppose I am going to have to talk to your parents and explain to them the situation. I would rather handle this with you. I know you are old enough to listen to what I am saying and understand my concerns. Do you think we could come to an understanding, or do I need to go to your parents? I found with my four sons that talking to them and letting them to dec
  8. I have always believed that if every parent had to observe a classroom for 1-2 weeks (not in view of the students) that they would be shocked what goes on. I think a lot of parents who think it is always the teachers', bus drivers', parapros' or cafeteria workers' fault would find out that is hardley ever true. Also if people interested in becoming educators did the same thing they just might change their minds about becoming teachers.
  9. drl429


    I am sure it has nothing to do with this, but in Georgia when you buy a property, you pay a transfer tax which is $1 per $1,000.00 of the purchase price. Transfer means - transferring the property from seller's names to buyer's names. Does not sound like what the transfer price would mean.
  10. Lake Chatuge is beautiful/so is the scenery that you see while on the lake - just pass Tallahassee, GA and goes over the GA/NC line.
  11. There are deinitley gators in Savannah, especially around the marshes. My son lives there. Apparently can't spell anymore. Definitely is what I meant. - Also, I just remembered, there are gators on Fripp Island - I think that is SC.
  12. Alarms are a great idea! Thanks, I had not thought of that.
  13. How can anyone decide what they would do if they caught someone molesting their young daughter? I think I know how I would react in certain situations, but if were to really happen, who knows? Emotions play a much bigger part than rationality does.
  14. Question - if good behavior and respect for others does not mean being a "good kid", what defines a good kid? If good kids disrespect others and destroy and steal, what are the kids who behave and have manners and respect called?
  15. I cannot imagine. This is a reminder to me - we just got french doors installed going out to our pool and my two year old granddaughter is coming from out of town to visit in two weeks. She could not open the sliding doors we had, but I just realized I need to install a lock at the top of the french doors where she cannot open them. My heart goes out to these two families, God bless them both.
  16. My husband and I both have diabetes, Type II, which is probably what your mom has. The biggest expense is the blood monitor meter, which is really not very expensive at all. There are many different brands. Depending on which meter you purchase, be sure to check the cost of the testing strips that go along with it. The meter is only purchased once every couple of years or so (give or take), but the strips have to purchased every 1-3 months. The most common medications we have been put on is Meformin and Glipizide. Both are very inexpensive. Metformin free at Publix (30 day supp
  17. I voted and I don't even know where it is located. Can you tell me where it is? I never had the time to look up details.
  18. Where is raccoon creek? We love to trout fish.
  19. Cherish him while you have him - they grow up so fast and sometimes end up living far away. I so wish I could go back. Those days were priceless! One of my other sons loved to dress as a girl and be in the all male beauty queen contests at the schools. Talk about some ugly females! But what fun. You should have seen him as a HULA dancer. One time he and some of his buddies dressed as cheerleaders and one of the teachers at the school thought it would be fun for them to lead a pep rally, so the "real cheerleaders" taught them some cheers and they were off. It was so funny! I
  20. Yes, my husband's ladder (in storage shed) has a huge nest on it. We are going to get rid of it tomorrow - somehow!
  21. Two of my four sons went through the stage of wanting to express themselves a little differently. They are now grown and I don't think they will ever stop thanking me for helping them find the look they wanted and not freaking out about it. We laugh about it now, but it makes me feel good knowing they thought I was cool! Good looking grandson! Does he get his looks from you?
  22. I know your baby was loved. Your story brought tears to my eyes. I am facing the same thing very soon and I hope I handle it with dignity and grace as you have. God bless you!
  23. All I can say is Bless You! I've had them before.
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