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Everything posted by Teatime

  1. What's scary and sad is that .. if it didn't work and people didn't fall for it .. they wouldn't be doing it.
  2. Career Builder .. well you have to be careful with any job search engine. There are always people out there looking to take advantage unfortunately
  3. Fresh fruits and veggies .. and dip Tastes good and good for your figure.
  4. I wonder which prescription medications she was on But, let's not mention that.
  5. We got a policy soon after we were married .. we're well covered. Hubby always teases me about how he's worth more dead than alive. Actually if you add it up, not true .. but we certainly wouldn't have to stress over money. A death is stressful and painful enough all by itself.
  6. So sad, I hope they find a way to keep the kids together.
  7. Yup, yup .. and honestly when I see people with obviously expensive things .. It makes me think less of them. I'd much rather see the millionarie driving the old pick up truck. Priorities in life, not things are what makes a person .. IMO.
  8. I'm sorry but threatening to KILL the animals that you are there to protect and love isn't the way to get a penny from me. There are better ways.
  9. Nope, this is why we rarely go there. They say free or discounted, and it never is. You know, I've had blonde hair my entire life ... I am an Aquarius .. I live for the water .. and have NEVER once had my hair turn green. Neither have my toadhead kids.
  10. Exactly, makes no sense at all. Which tells me it's not about loving the animals .. it's about money .. as always
  11. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya. Sex also works wonders.
  12. Nice scare tactic .. anything to get money from people. Makes me sick. What's worse, is that it will work .. which only encourages more A$$hats to use the same tactic.
  13. Did you know that there are MUCH bigger things in life to worry about ? I saw a lady today that had Cancer .. I really doubt she notices. I know I don't notice, nor do I care ... as long as it's not my kids. What they do is their business. The only person they are hurting is themselves. People seem to look for things to complain and worry about .. why ? There are so many more important issues, not to mention good things in life to focus on.
  14. Not to mention, the chemicals in most shampoo's and soaps aren't exactly good for you either. I also don't use sunscreen ( I know shocking ) .. In my opinion the chemicals in the sunblock or sunscreen are more likely to kill me than the sun. A nice sun hat and a thin cotton shirt work wonders.
  15. Lack of caffeine and stress. I'm good as long as I have my 2 cups of coffee a day .. and avoid stress, if possible.
  16. You just get ready to tax everything. Anything can make you fat if you eat too much of it And .. there isn't much difference between so called " healthy " juice and soda Just get ready .. it's gonna hurt.
  17. All of my teens are the same way. Especially since we homeschool. Some days, they spend the entire day doing nothing but school work. On those days, nobody is rushing for the shower. Now if they just mowed the lawn, that's a whole different thing.
  18. My 7 year old daughter is allot like your son. She always has been extremely sensitive. To absolutely everything .. physical and emotional. She makes me want to pull my hair out . She will not allow anyone to come near her, unless it's family. It took us forever to find a dentist she liked. She doesn't have sleeping issues .. since she has slept in her own room since she was a baby. My oldest daughter also had anxiety issues. One thing I did learn from the oldest is that they do outgrow it and they will teach you a new meaning to the word patience. It's very challenging indeed. He'll be ok .
  19. At least once a day ... the teens are on their own. I don't harass them unless I see greasy hair or they are stinky .. then I chase them into the shower But, usually ... I don't have say a thing.
  20. If we would all just think of others more .. this world would be such a greater place.
  21. I've been lucky .. I married a man that can cook. He has taught me allot I grew with 2 parents that were cooks in the navy and never learned how to cook. They never let me in the kitchen Unless it was to do dishes.
  22. Yeah, she might be like me. I didn't know how to cook when I got married. I had to learn the hard way. Just have them invest in a good microwave ( kidding )
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