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Everything posted by Teatime

  1. I spent the day with my best friend and kids .. I've had a smile on my face since I woke up this morning.
  2. I hope they did well.
  3. It's SO nice to see things going up again instead of going down.
  4. I'm full of hope at this point in my life. While people complain and gripe about the state of the world, I continue to smile and have hope. Hope is a very powerful thing
  5. I just wanted to say that I do know that your security company can go through your cell phone. We ditched our land line last December and went to cell only. We also decided to ditch our security system. We found after 7 years of $40 per month .. our dogs were better protection. Anyway, when we called to cancel they told us that they could indeed go through our cell phone. Just wanted to let ya know.
  6. IMO the doll suits an agenda. An agenda to get more girls to breastfeed when they are older. You start em out young. My daughters know all about breastfeeding .. they've seen it ( not me but family members ) and they get the point. I don't think the doll is offensive at all .. I find it somewhat amusing. My only problem with it is .. it sends a message and I just wouldn't pay for something like that. Everything I buy .. one way or another I'm endorsing it, funding it. This is just something I would never want to endorse.
  7. Bacon covered chicken boobs for the carnivores. Pasta, and salad for us vegans I'll leave the artery hardening to the males in the house.
  8. Well, personally I bottle fed all of my kids ( and proud of it ) I didn't have a medical reason for it .. It's just not something I ever wanted to do ( I know shame on me ) Anyway, I have 3 daughters .. and they will decide when they are older what is best for THEM. So far, my oldest is planning on adopting She thinks there are enough children in the world that need a loving home. There is nothing wrong with bottle feeding .. it isn't the " in " thing at the moment. And it isn't politically correct however, we have always been a family that follows our own drummer.
  9. You know 3 years ago, I about had a mental breakdown. Everything that could break in our home, did. I was rear ended and it totaled our van. Our AC system had to be replace, the dishwasher .. it all went. I cried and cried .. I kept telling myself, at least we have our health. Then last year came .. and it came after our health. I almost lost 2 of my kids. My husband became deathly ill .. as a few other family members of mine. My mom is now fighting cancer. All of this taught me allot about life. You can replace things .. you can't replace the people that you love. I don't fee
  10. Doing good for others ... brings good things to you Don't allow negative energy to spoil things. As mentioned earlier .. lesson learned. I don't think I would feel good about myself or sleep well if I wronged 4 kids who didn't deserve it.
  11. Love me some Bill Clinton! His bobble head doll on my desk is nodding approvingly
  12. As usual people only see what they want. What I get is someone put someone ( and yes I hold animals as high as I hold people ) .. above herself. She didn't put herself first ( so everyone says shame on her ). If there were more people like her and less selfish people in the world .. this would be a better world. However, most people are just too self centered.
  13. Thank you for all you do It does say allot about them. I don't bother replying to them ... I'll let nature take it's course and deal with people like that.
  14. I didn't intend for it to get any type of response. I really don't care what others think. I just think it's important for people to know that are people out there trying to do good in the world. You read the news, it's all bad stuff. When I read something positive ... I want to share. Should she have done things differently ? sure she should have ... But at least she tried which is allot more than most. People like her make a difference in the world. And I think it's awesome that she survived and is getting a second chance to continue making a difference.
  15. I pretty much feel the same way. I don't know why it still surprises me how cruel some people can be. I doubt she put allot of thought into it. My first instinct would also be to save those babies. However, I think I also would have wanted to go after the car that did it. What's sad, is they will never be caught and probably do it again. I really wish someone had stopped and helped her. At least wrote down their tag number or something.
  16. Full Story COBB COUNTY, Ga. (WXIA) -- Rachel Honeycutt is 27 and beautiful. She loves her friends, loves camping -- she loves animals. "I can't believe I'm okay," she said. But after a recent tragedy, she was left with a shattered pelvis, brain injury, organ damage, and in a coma. Machines kept her alive. "I don't remember anything until three days ago," she said. And no memory of the impact that put her there. "I remember I had gotten out of my car," she said. Rachel was on a busy Cobb County, Georgia road. She said she saw something that made her stop.
  17. I just think it's SO awesome the way everyone looks after him
  18. Ya gotta watch this ... Too cute! And so amazing how people treat him Casper the commuting cat
  19. I have the top one saved to my desktop ... it reminds me of my teenage daughter She always grins and it's a giveaway.
  20. Not my kind of music .. However my 7 and 5 year old daughters loved it
  21. Growing up a Military Brat .. nope not going to happen with my kids. My oldest is gearing up to join the Marines and it's his decision. The Military isn't for everyone ... there should never be a mandate on such a thing. I believe children should be raised right and by their parents .. not public schools or daycare .. but I don't believe all mom's should be forced to stay home. We live in a Free country and it's a beautiful thing .. lets keep it that way.
  22. I got out as soon as I could as well. Sometimes there are good reasons for it. Anyway, I'm glad the girl was found safe .. I hope they can make amends.
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