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Everything posted by aberdeen

  1. The show reminds me of a book, A Child Called It. If you haven't read it, do! Thanks for bringing this show to my attention. I turned to Oprah and was able to watch the last 30 minutes. It was a good one!
  2. Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. I just knew that he killed her or something. I shouldn't judge people. I shouldn't judge people. I shouldn't judge people!!
  3. I have a bad feeling about this husband. He's too chatty and his crying seemed fake. I hope I'm wrong and she just ran away to be with others/escape her life, but I don't think so.
  4. Griffith Painting Services We've used them to paint our house inside and out on numerous occasions. Gary always does a great job and seems to be better priced than the rest! 770-489-6930
  5. If I clean them bad, will you still pay me? I'm trustworthy! (JK)
  6. {is someone really asking if people talk to themselves? of course I do, but should I answer this thread or not? hmmm...looks like there are others who have answered for me; I'll just skip this one....}
  7. Didn't mean to upset anyone about the explosion I heard. It was enough to send me outside. I wish I knew which house he was in (please don't post...I'm not asking for that on here). My backyard bumps up against a coupe of absury woods backyards and I just wonder how close this was. Maybe ba-boom sounds are normal to some. I've lived here 15 years and can't remember a sound like that so close to me. Thank you so much to the kind people who got the same impression that someone else is being rude! I sat on my deck for an hour listening to every word the megaphone guy was saying. It was clear
  8. Um...yes there was some kind of very loud explosion. We were awake and it rattled our house enough for us to run outside and hear the megaphones. Someone said it could have been the swat team trying to distract the suspect.
  9. I think so too. I hate it. I wonder who else is awake around here. Now I can't sleep.
  10. There's nothing on the scanner, but I can hear the police trying to coax someone into picking up a cell phone while using a megaphone. There was a huge explosion or something too.
  11. Artichoke chicken Broccoli Rice Mixed berries
  12. I probably should know, but what's DDD?
  13. I hope you find the creeps that took the ipod. Forget about the rest, your title was fine, yes...it's a gamble when the kids bring stuff like that to school. No matter if it's right or wrong, it's still crappy that it was taken. Good luck...ignore the crazy posts....
  14. I put water bottles in the freezer in case I need them to keep the fridge cool.
  15. Thank goodness Paulding is not a part of this! I wonder which 26 districts chose to do this? How can 50% of the grade be based on scores? I'm afraid that it could lead to teachers changing the tests to pass THEIR examination. In a perfect world, this would work beautifully. I believe there are too many ways to make evaluation mistakes and put too much MORE pressure on teachers. We need great teachers. This is one more way to scare them away.
  16. You're right, they're not 100% accurate, but they hit the nail on the head about 95% of the time. I love both of these sites when it comes to CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid and Publix. The ecoupons can disappear if their allotment of printings have been fulfilled. I try to get my lists and all compiled ASAP. As for the AJC, I store coupon booklets as is recommended at couponmom's website (watch her video about how to save), so I always get my money's worth when I buy 5 papers. Southernsavers lists the coupons before the papers are released. They aren't perfect, but they're very close. I kn
  17. There are some great classes out there being offered. I use www.couponmom.com and www.southernsavers.com This Sunday's paper is a great one to start by. It will have TWO Redplum coupon books and TWO SmartSource coupon books. I buy 5 Sunday papers each week, but I'm really into the $$ saving! Good luck everyone!! (edited to add an "n" in southerNsavers)
  18. I just heard that Paulding Schools are going to be delayed 2 hours. School will end at the regular time. edited for typos
  19. I know it's hard for working families, but I am glad that decisions aren't made until absolutely necessary. There is nothing worse than canceling school for no reason. I'm only a middle school teacher (not HS) and we're reviewing for a test on Friday. It would be horrible if we had to wait until after the break to test. I can't imagine what the HS students and teachers are thinking. Anyway, thanks to the BOE for waiting until absolutely necessary to make a decision.
  20. You're very correct!! I thought about that after I went to bed last night. He do is positive for he don't, he does is correct and positive for he doesn't. Thanks!
  21. BAD: "Can I go to the bathroom"? CORRECT: "May I go to the bathroom"? BAD: Fixing to ex. I am fixing to eat dinner. He is fixing to go to bed. She is fixing to call her mom. BAD: He don't. CORRECT: He didn't. She didn't. It didn't. I don't. BAD: comming CORRECT: coming BAD: supposively CORRECT: supposedly BAD: someone hung from a noose CORRECT: someone hanged from a noose Whew!! (I'm guilty of alot and not a lot)
  22. While I agree that pot doesn't cause brain damage, and more are harmed from drinking and driving than smoking cannabis and driving, it's the law. Willie should be tried as any other repeat offender. I hate it for him.
  23. I am so thankful; thankful of the happiness in my heart and the life God gave me to live around people I adore. Happy Turkey Day everyone!!
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