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Everything posted by aberdeen

  1. While I agree that it is the "real world", I am struggling with my duty to teach or my duty to seek better insurance for my family. Luckily, my family doesn't have serious medical needs calling me to look for better insurance. The other thing is that the ripple effect of 650,000 state employees tightening their belts will have a negative impact on Georgians outside of the sector. If these people are not going to their doctors, therapists, chiropractors, etc., then I can see struggles for the private sectors, some I haven't realized yet. I hate to be all doom and gloom, but I don't thi
  2. No, United Healthcare and CVS Caremark are currently suing Georgia and accusing the DCH (Dept of Community Health) with engaging in "state-sponsored bid-rigging". This is according to today's front page article in the AJC.
  3. The state employees' health insurance has changed (starting Jan. 1) so it's more expensive, has higher deductibles, no co-pays, etc. Not only that, but it was decided under Governor Deal that these employees would have only one "choice" of a provider. Teachers with children and/or spouses with medical needs are fearing bankruptcy. I ask you, Paulding neighbors, to please sign this petition to ask Governor Deal to revisit the decision made with health care. There have been so many cuts to us. For example, teachers have had furlough days, budget cuts, class size increases, and no rais
  4. 1) Mother Teresa 2) Nelson Mandela 3) Jerry Garcia 4) My maternal grandmother 5) Eleanor Roosevelt 6) John Lennon
  5. I loved Larry King; watched it whenever I could. I don't watch any CNN now. I wonder if his retirement has anything to do with the decline.
  6. I guess I'm the only one who got Nebraska. Nebraska!?!?!?
  7. What a blast from the past. Arlo's great in concert. I saw him sing this 2x. The other 2 concerts, he wouldn't sing it. "Just a half a mile from the railroad track..."
  8. zulily.com has a sale on these shoes. I don't know if they're Bobs, Toms or Harrys!
  9. Education is rapidly changing. As a middle school math teacher, I saw tremendous strides with the Georgia Performance Standards (implemented 7-8 years ago). I really like the common core more than I thought I would. What's amazing to me is the amount of collaboration that's possible among American teachers. Even though we don't have a book, we can get lots of ideas via the internet of great ways to teach the CC. My problem is STOP REINVENTING THE WHEEL! Come on government, give something a chance. It is so frustrating to feel like a first year teacher again, learning the standards,
  10. 2; it's easier to get a job when one is employed.
  11. I used to shop at Walmart. Too many times an expired item was bought. I hate when that happens. Also, I can't stand waiting 30 minutes in line to check out!! Kroger's okay, but I pass one to get to a Publix. Yes, I'm a coupon freak. Their buggies are so easy to manage, the aisles are wide, and the service is impeccable. Their meat isn't jacked up with antibiotics and their produce is best. Sorry, I love Publix and the money I save while couponing!
  12. At the library, there are state park passes to check out for a few days for free. If you haven't been letterboxing, it's great fun! It's a scavenger hunt of sorts, all over the world. There are many hidden on the Silver Comet. Here's a website to find clue: Atlas Quest
  13. I have a strong opinion about this. Now, granted, swimmy diapers might have come a long way in 16 years, but.... ...we frequented Sun Valley Beach in the days it was open. If my son, then a baby, had only his bathing suit on then he was fine. He never went #1 or #2. If I put a swimmy diaper on him, he would always go #2. There was a policy at Sun Valley for all under 3 years old to wear the swimmy diapers. I told the managers that in my son's case, not having one on would be better for all. They would not change their policy. When my son went #2, and it was a wet swimmy, it woul
  14. Topper's friends didn't murder him. They just let him die. So sad.
  15. I checked our weather forecast and it doesn't seem to be coming our way. How is that??
  16. It's that time of year when I need to buy a couple of Mother's Day gifts. What do I buy for 2 wonderful women who can have anything they want? I would love the perfect gift. Something that is creative and inexpensive. Have you even hit the jackpot with a gift? What was it??? (thanks!)
  17. Song identifier - Shazam A Multitude of Radio Stations - TuneIn Radio Flashlight - Flashlight Tape recorder - Tape-a-Talk Calendar - Google calendar GPS - Google Maps Get apps - BAM edited to add: Orientation for smartphone; saves battery - Screebl Task killer; saves battery - Open Advanced Task Mobile Security - avast!
  18. I get flu shots each year. I've never had the flu. I don't want it.
  19. Reading books or writing letters for people in Assisted Living is always a win/win situation!
  20. We need all the help we can get! Our dinner was collard greens, black eyed peas, rolls and milk. It was sooooo good!! Who has room for anything else??
  21. I receive daily emails from Hip2Save.
  22. We need a light at Austin Middle School. There have been too many wrecks. I hope I'm wrong, but one day a child is going to be seriously hurt and the school will be crushed. I was right behind the 4 cars hit and it was horrible. I feel so badly for the 16 year old. He seemed like he was in shock. It was a horrible way for so many to start the day. I'm so glad that everyone was okay. Yes, the little girl left in an ambulance, but she seemed fine. I think it was just precautionary. What would it take to get a traffic light there? There already was one casualty a few years back
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