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Everything posted by aberdeen

  1. That's a great idea for those who didn't know about photo restoration! Thanks for posting.
  2. I am so sad for your loss and am shedding a few tears myself. We had a Golden, Molly, who saved both of my kids' lives by doing the same thing. She was awesome and I still miss her. She died of cancer when she was 7. It was a horrible experience. Anyone who has had a Golden (or probably other breeds, but Goldens are so special!) can understand.
  3. ?? I'm slow...what does this mean?? I came home at around 4:20 and saw all of the emergency vehicles at RR ballfield. Lots of lights running, but no sirens. My prayers are being said.
  4. Sorry about the hijack, but isn't a hospital in the works for our county? We need one! Talk about a great tax revenue....
  5. Gosh, this name sounds so familiar. Does anyone know if she worked in any schools? Did she work in Marietta?
  6. Prayers for the families involved. Although I only know what I've read, it seems horrible. Mr. Brown, I can tell from past posts how proud you are of your son; I am so sorry! Take care and God bless-
  7. My guess is Nov. 28 at 3:33 a.m. Good luck everyone!
  8. Not only is it a great move, pubby, it's great to see that pcommers all support this effort. One more reason why this is such a great place to be.......
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