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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. I thought we were very happy. I gave him no reason at all to cheat. He admitted to even more during our counseling sessions. The only tip off was to me was he seemed angry for no reason. Totally out of character for him. He was always very attentive to me otherwise. That and he went hunting all the time, but never brought home any meat or doves. Thank God I didn't catch an STD from him.
  2. Yep. I set him up just to see if he would lie. Worked every time. I let him off easy just to get rid of him.
  3. Well, I happen to be an expert on this subject. I would want to know. I told my best friend I thought something was going on so, I got her drunk and she told me all about her affair with my now ex husband. Oh, and she and her female lover both had an affair with him. Turns out he was a serial cheater. I had two babies in diapers at the time. What a great guy. She did me a favor.
  4. I can't believe the things that go on in classrooms. That was overseas, but damn. This is another case of a teacher doing unspeakable acts to children. This was in the US. They should be imprisoned for life. http://www.dailymail...d-23m-bail.html
  5. Come on now! You know what I mean. Hijack! How are the little ducky's this morning?
  6. Press and suck is good for anything you want to keep in the freezer. I fry summer okra then press and suck it. I will press and suck almost anything.
  7. Just bigger targets to swat. Fox news link hummm, impressive.
  8. Kleenex on the dashboard. BOOOOO!
  9. Innocents Project facts on inmate and death row inmates exonerated by DNA evidence. This makes one think about making snap judgements on convicting and executing people. http://www.innocence...xonerations.php
  10. Dan Fogelberg Power of Gold Captured Angel Netherlands RIP Dan.
  11. That's good news. Thanks for keeping us updated lowrider.
  12. Cayenne pepper is cheap. Buy a large bottle at Sams and shake it all around the perimeter of your yard.
  13. I hate to hear Tripp has taken a turn for the worse. He is such a fighter. I am keeping up the prayers for Tripp and won't stop until he is better. Please Lord give this child a break.
  14. That is the number one place IMHO. We go there at least once a month. I get take-out quite a lot because they are just a few miles from us. We have never had a bad meal there, and we have been going for at least eighteen years.
  15. Wow! That's kind of scary. Is there any chance more satellites could be in the trajectory of all the debris floating around in space now?
  16. I get the chills reading some of these posts. Way cool! I have a story. My mom and my mother in law died five years apart to the day and hour. My MIL also shared the same birthday. Both were great women.
  17. Yep. No more White House tours, that's saving big bucks. Maybe he can get air miles on his Black AMX card to pay for all the vacations and golf trips he and wife take. I guess I'll get myself a job for one of the big movie studios moving to Georgia, and become a big ole movie star.
  18. Hubby is not thrilled with that. He's a great dancer and I can only have one partner.
  19. Just get up and dance. No need to Zumba or Jazzercize. I have been doing high kicks and dancing around to burn calories and raise my metabolism. I just do it with my blinds closed.
  20. If you are involved in any kind of a legal issue it could be a P. I.
  21. Have you got a Chevy muscle car that looks hot?
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