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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. That's the best news I've heard all day!!! I am so happy for Tripp and his family.
  2. You must of been that guy sitting behind me toking on a big fat one. JK People smoked openly at concerts back in the day.
  3. I got into a huge fight with my brother because he said Rocky Mt High was about getting high. I refused to believe John Denver smoked pot. Then when I grew up, I realized pot didn't make you rape and pillage. At least that's what I was told. I did get to see him five times in concert at The Omni. Remember that place?
  4. Went into labor, was given pitocin, and ended up having to have a c-section because the cord was wrapped around the baby's neck. I hope all goes well with you, and the birth of your baby girl. Early congratulations.
  5. I happen to know about being on planes. I worked on them for 25 years and I hate to fly. BTW, I happen to be THE John Denver fan. Y'all remember he use to say "FAR OUT" all the time? I had tee shirts with his face on the front and Far Out on the back. Maybe you can see it in the photo. I have on the red shirt. Travel well ZC. Planes are FAAAAR OUUUUT!
  6. What's with the backhanded insult? I saw nothing passive aggressive in mrshowards post. However, I do agree with you about accountability, especially those in the pulpit. I have known many parishioners, even deacons, who have turned a blind eye to corrupt preachers leading their flocks. I myself, am dumbfounded as to why anyone would want to be preached to by an adulterer. I attended one of those "mega churches", and the pastor told an aids joke from the pulpit. The congregation laughed, and I walked out. I couldn't believe this man has a church with thousands of worshipers. They
  7. Well said! There are bad apples in every barrel.
  8. Reality is you have no idea as to how many people they had to interview to get those responses. Reality is NK is on a slippery slope, and the people ARE starving to death. Whether or not they are eating children is inconceivable in the civilized world. I hope the reports are not true, but the reality IS NK is more interested in building nukes, continuing to threaten SK, and having killed citizens of SK during the military exercises in the past. Now the threats continue and have expanded to attacking the US. Now, I don't fear an attack on American soil, but God help us if they do act on SK
  9. Dang, I guess they ran out of dogs to eat. I wonder what Dennis Rodman ate during his visit with the "humble" leader of NK?
  10. I am sorry for your son, and every sick child everywhere. Please keep us informed on your son's condition. The people here really do care about children, and maybe in someway we could help. At the very least your family and son will be in my prayers.
  11. I was told in a high school classroom the Russians showed the film "Tobacco Road" as a propaganda ploy. It backfired on the Russians, the reason? "Americans weren't poor because they could afford cars." North Korea sucks. IMHO.
  12. I have been Googling "garden folkart ideas" for my flower garden. This is one of my redneck / garden projects.
  13. Happy Anniversary! 30 is quite a milestone. Hubby and I just celebrated our 16th in February. We have known one another for twenty five years.
  14. Congrats! I bet he knows a good insurance man.
  15. I'm glad we could do business with you.
  16. "Dexter" is so hot I feel guilty about liking him. "Ed Gein", words don't do justice to his horrors.
  17. Was it a white guy? I had the same thing happen to us last week. He knocked on our door asking if Josh lived here. It was the day we had a few flurries, he had no coat, and wore a ball cap. Then he took off running across and up the road. When I was walking our dog a few days later, I saw him walking down the road again. Maybe it is just a coincidence.
  18. I would call the F.B.I. from my secret location. Sounds like a good book.
  19. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed ZC likes to talk about drinking wine......a lot? On that note, (pun intended) I prefer Habersham's wine. It's a great little winery in Helen, Georgia. That is in the United States of America, not to be confused with the country of Georgia.
  20. In this age of STD's why would you not want to know? It's is hard to deal with, but my "best friend" did me a favor by spilling the beans. I am a much stronger, smarter and a better woman now. I would go through it again if it made me who I am today. Then I found the love of my life.
  21. Yes it sure does. What doesn't kill him made me stronger.
  22. I am so fortunate to have a real man. We have been married sixteen years now, and I have complete trust in him. We be in big time love.
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