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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. I freakin love Darius Rucker!!! Thanks! Way to go VADER, glad you met the Jase the Duck man!!
  2. If she can crawl out from under that rock.
  3. Flapjacks are triangle, pancakes are round. And round pancakes when flung go farther, but won't poke your eye out. Limeys, go figure.
  4. She has done countless USO tours for the troops. She may sound annoying to some, but I love her music. You go girl.
  5. Because she called me dishonest in another thread. She is wrong, was confronted with it, and starts another thread without the apology she owes me. Now, I have NO respect for her at all. She is a poor representation of women, and could care less about anyone/anything except her ego. Turn tail and run zc. That seems to be your MO. Hope that explains everything. Oh and religion had zero to do with it. That's everyone elses conclusion.
  6. We will never give up on Tripp!!! Continued prayers sent.
  7. About the abortz issue. There are too many ways to prevent pregnancy these days. Its just crazy not to take advantage of the planned parenthood, morning after pills. I am against abortzion personally, but I believe it is an individuals choice, period. Last week on Dr.Phil there was a twenty five year old woman who saw nothing wrong with having seven, yes seven abortzions. One, she couldn't remember if it was sixth or the seventh pregnancy, but it was a late term, five month fetus she abortzed. This was an educated middle class woman who was a self proclaimed narcissist, who used
  8. I doubt she will. When proven wrong and confronted she tucks her tail and runs. There is nothing worse than a woman with nothing better to do than feed her ego by throwing insults at people. I pity zc.
  9. I thought she would find the article enlightening, but she seems to have tucked tail and run.
  10. The only thing pointed is your head. I resent being called dishonest and you need to be a big educated woman and apologize. I knew what I was talking about. You, on the other hand, can't see beyond your ego.
  11. No dodging here. You owe me an apology. Get real woman! Then we will move on to other matters.
  12. Have you ever seen the movie "They Live" starring Rowdy Roddy Piper? Your post reminds me of that movie for some reason. They want to keep us blind!!!
  13. God Bless your family. Moms are special.
  14. Have you looked at the toilet papers, and paper towels huge cardboard tube? Huge I say!!!!
  15. Layoffs are just part of the manufacturing beast. At least the CEO's don't have to worry about their quality of living.
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