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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. It seems like some kind of an accident. People are down everywhere. Nothing mentioned about an "airplane accident." Yes. Please Lord let everyone be safe.
  2. Some people have fallen out of plane. At around 1100 feet. Many parachutes deployed. Many injured. They are going to Law 3 now, so I don't know if I'll be able to hear anymore.
  3. Listening to scanner. Sounds like several people are injured near the local airport. One person stuck in tree.
  4. I am so happy for you and you daughter. Congratulations!!!
  5. Thank you. I had them custom made buy some men who did my SIL's.
  6. I went granite when we remodeled our kitchen, I love granite. Sealing is only spraying on a sealer, easy as pie. Just like you would spray any cleaner on any surface. before after
  7. Sometimes it just is the right thing to do.
  8. Wow. I hope you have the time of your life. Keep in touch, and let us know how the beaches are down there. Party on......
  9. I have the fondest memories of those days. We would ride down dirt roads for hours and have the most fun. I remember the hanging out at the Dallas police office, and getting to go on "rides" with the only night officer they had, with my boyfriend of course, who was a volunteer fireman. I even got to ride to fire calls in the fire truck with him. It was so much fun. Dallas really was like Mayberry in those days. You're right, those days are gone forever.
  10. HAPPY EASTER TRIPP FAMILY!!!! God Bless you all!
  11. That is beautiful work. The cake and cupcakes look like they were done by "The Cake Boss." :)
  12. Or when do you ever admit you are wrong about slandering my name?
  13. You know, some people just don't have hearts, or the ability to feel empathy. I hope this kind of crap doesn't upset team Tripp. Lowrider, you are amazing too. Thank you for the updates. Although I have Tripps FB page, I always check here for the news on the little guy.
  14. I'm doing a duty to help trolls from getting fat. Fat trolls are unsightly, and I want there to be more confident, well adjusted trolls. Oh, and I'm not at all offended by the mature innuendo . Your entitled to your opinion. I don't rush to post to any topic, but when I have been called dishonest when I was not being dishonest, I tend to be offended by that, and the person doing the name calling. What is worse is when the offender will not allow their ego to interfere with making a wrong, right.
  15. Don't feed any trolls because they are way too fat anyway! It's for their own good. Studies show trolls are in danger of having more health, poverty, inflated ego's and sexual issues than the average poster.
  16. You know whats bad? Calling people dishonest, being wrong and not owning up to it. You have zero credibality here. That's bad for business.
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