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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. Chester, Chester, Chester. Don't you know It does matter when you're trying to explain something so simple to those who are simple minded. Not to mention I don't enjoy being called, "dishonest". In all of the confusion on ZC's part, I thought perhaps she could be dyslexic, and have my screen name confused with the topic starters.
  2. Boeing CEO Jim McNerney's Pay Rose To $21.1 Million In Year Leading Up To Dreamliner Disaster My link
  3. Replying to Chicago schools to teach LGBT sex ed. to students (topic) " Is this LGBT sex ed class among one of the many reasons why you look down your nose at public institutions? " ( my question to you, quoting the topic.) "For the first time in Chicago, sex-ed instruction will cover sexual orientation and gender identity. Students will be introduced to terms and definitions associated with sexual identity, including those related to heterosexual and LGBT populations, in an effort to bring awareness, promote tolerance and prevent bullying, said the school board." (Quote from ar
  4. ZC. You have me confused with someone else. Apology now? You need to look and see the op in this thread. Oops You clearly did not read this thread as you think you know all.
  5. What a lovely sweet little girl. Congratulations to you and your family.
  6. ZC, I don't think you read my post at all. Please show me where I mention the" LGBT class for the youngest children"? I simply noted the LGBT at the start of my post referring to sex ed as it pertains to the articles. The article nor myself mentioned anything about the youngest of students being taught anything of the LGBT community. "Under the new policy, the youngest students – the kindergartners — will learn the basics about anatomy, reproduction, healthy relationships and personal safety." You are being evasive as to my questions. What gives? Throw something out there so y
  7. Great link. If you want to know who profits from war just look at the board members and former members of the war machine company's. I will give one example. Dick Cheney's wife Lynne served on Lockheed Martin's board between 1994 and 2001 until Bush was elected. Cheney now serves as director emerita of the Independent Woman's Forum. The IWF was a contractor selected by the State Department to implement the "Iraqi Women's Democracy Initiative" to train women for political participation.
  8. ZC. Even though students can opt out does not make the spin go unnoticed. We should have all classes with opt out options. Why stop at sex ed? It that what they do at the private school your lads attend? Of course not. Do you really have an opinion either way? Is this LGBT sex ed class among one of the many reasons why you look down your nose at public institutions? Don't make me go back and look up the post stating the fact of what you said. I don't have the time. ***********************************************************************************************************************
  9. But....don't we all feel comforted the students will know everything there is to need to know about sexual relations of every sort? Heavens forbid they learn economics, science or math with the same momentum as sex ed.
  10. Not for nothing, but I would guess it all depends on the business you have, A small employer is much different than a major employer. I would say if you turn millions in profits and your workers make a low pay or even minimum wage you could afford to reward the workers with a bonus or a small pay increase. OTOH, a small business has to look out for the business to keep the employees working, or even invest in growing the business. Or are you concerned spreading wealth will cut into your way of living? If I were a large profit turning employer, and could afford it, I would reward the
  11. Yeah, that's what I thought. I didn't want to make it a call out. I sent him a PM letting him know he has a lot of people thinking and praying for his son, and family. Maybe he will let us know in time.
  12. Me too lowrider. I would like to know how smoke 14's son is doing too. Maybe we should ask him. Going to his profile now. PM sent.
  13. God has nothing to do with it. It has been proven, although a small number of the population is born without conscience, apathy or the ability to feel compassion for their victims. http://bigthink.com/...f-evil-children
  14. Come on Thought's, spill the beans!! Inquiring minds want to know.
  15. Yes, evil exist. This goes back to the morality thread. There are children born with no conscience, no apathy or compassion. These are two prime examples.
  16. Let's get another opinion on gay marriage for once. http://www.islam21c....-marriage-bill- http://www.religionf...rison_chart.htm Edited t say I believe in equal rights for everyone.
  17. There are some real pieces of crap out there. Why would anyone want to report this little darlings page? Evil I tell you, just plain evil. Glad it's back up now, but there is no excuse for the coward who reported his page You hang in there Tripp and family. We will continue to pray for his recovery, whether or not his FB page is reported!
  18. Prayers sent up for baby, and family.
  19. Someone has too much time on her/his hands.
  20. Spheres are round like a ball, right? Here is an egg/sphere. http://gizmodo.com/5...ered-in-england
  21. The blackberries aren't even close to blooming. Until then planting my seedlings is off, and I have a whole bunch of perennials I have ordered will be here any day now. I guess I will have to transplant them into bigger containers. Ugggh! Come on warm weather already!
  22. Ha! Good one!!! I was telling hubby how hard it is to lose weight, now I know why.
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