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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Our family did a white elephant exchange this year. My grandmother got lottery tickets and even though no one had the heart to steal them we all teased her. She won $70 off of $25 worth of tickets. She was so excited and happy. She had us all belly laughing at her. Her smile was the prettiest one she's had in a year. It was great. She was so excited about opening the present she didn't look to see who brought it. She couldn't even say "Thank you," because no one would 'fess up.
  2. I swam all the time as a child. If its simply water clogging her earsit should be easy to clear out. Tip her head sideways, put a few drops of peroxide in her ear and count to 10. Put a napkin on her ear and tip her over. The water should drain right out.
  3. I have a chest freezer but I think I would much rather have an upright. It seems like things get lost in the bottom of the chest freezer and it is much harder to keep organized.
  4. I am a fan of reusable bags but I am not a fan of govt. telling a business that they can not give away a legal item. Also, how can they justify banning plastic grocery bags without also attacking plastic milk cartons, plastic trash can liners, and so on?
  5. Easy seafood dip: Cover the bottom of a pie plate with ritz cracker crumbles. Mix a tablespoon of fresh horseradish, a tablespoon of worcestershire sauce and a package if softened cream cheese then spread the mixture over the crackers. Top the cream cheese mixture with a layer of cocktail sauce. Finally, top the cocktail sauce with shrimp, crab meat, or crawfish tails. Serve with firm crackers or chips. Easiest ever fruit dip: Mix one container of your favorite fruit flavored yogurt with one container cool whip. Cheesy chicken enchilada dip: Combine one can Progresso cheese chic
  6. I'll add another one. If you're saving a space in line because you have sent someone after an item you've forgotten let the person behind you know. Most people decide which line to get in based not only how many people will be in front of them, but also the amount of items they're purchasing. It makes for a very aggravating day when the person in front of you appears to be purchasing a pack of gum and right when it's her turn, her her friend rushes in with a whole cart full of Christmas presents.
  7. I'm not sure if this is Graves Road or Graves Spur. Graves Rd. weaves through Bentwater and Graves Spur is a little off shoot with only one or two houses and no outlet. There are lots of FaceBook posts bouncing around about this. You never know what is accurate and what is rumor.
  8. The sirens stopped for a while but now they started back.
  9. With the Nook color all you have to do is make sure you don't save your wifi password. Your child will be able to read all the books you've purchased and downloaded but won't be able to purchase any on his own or access the Internet without your wifi password. If he takes his Nook to anywhere else that has free wifi he will be able to have free reign to do what he wants.
  10. Whatever they're serving at the Dillard House.
  11. Give them the sales papers, posterboard, scissors, and a gluestick. Have them make a collage of the presents they want. Whenever they misbehave take a Sharpie and put a big dark X on one of the pictures.
  12. I haven't read everything about this but it seems Paterno actually did what he should have. Unless there's more to the story, Paterno didn't see, hear, or have personal knowledge of what happened. All he had was the word of an assistant. At the point that he relayed the informtion to the Athletic Director, he was staking his career on something that potentially could have been nothing more than a vicious rumor. Years later, it now points to the fact that it wasn't a rumor. How far should we expect someone to go without personal knowledge? This is a disgusting situation and more than
  13. I'm proud if Hime Depot for not looking out of state for the call center location. It's right off the interstate and so convenient for employees.
  14. That's sad to hear. I drove by his old house just yesterday. That man was very good to me.
  15. If you choose to use the school I suggest you request a timeline for the process and see if it is acceptable with your and your plans for your child's education. I know several people who have gone through the school system and had the process last up to one and a half years or more.
  16. Yes. My child's diagnosis came from a Dr. I just couldn't trust the school system with getting it right (long story). Short version. She's doing fine. Handwriting is still horrible. The only modification we are using with school assignments is an increased amount of computer work. When using the computer to type her school work she does not have a fear of writing. It has sort of liberated her.
  17. In my mind Dylan McDermott would be the best Joe, Vin Diesel would be Ranger, Betty White would be Grandma Mazur, Doris Roberts would be Joe's grandmother, and Patrika Darbo would be Connie.
  18. When you have someone infringing on your personal space, stand your ground. Be southern, polite, and kill'em with kindness. Simply say, "Oh honey, you might want to see if you can find somewhere else to sit. I have a really bad case of the flu and my stomach is telling me that I'm about to decorate the walls. I'm just not sure which end of me is going to do it this time. Do you mind loaning me your barf bag? I promise, I'll give it back."
  19. I really enjoy the range of emotions allowed by the script. Within every episode I find myself feeling sympathy for the main character, really liking her, then finally thinking she is downright evil. I'm courious about the computer geek's loyalty to the main character. Is it because he likes her, she owns half of his company, loyalty to her father, or a disdain for many of the people in his own community? I change my mind about it with each episode.
  20. Contact the Georgia Sea Turtle rescue center and make a donation in her name. They will send her information about a specific turtle, it's ailments and treatments. She can follow it's progress online then track it through GPS once it's released back into it's natural habitat. When you see her you can give her a small turtle toy and a printout about the turtle rescue center. That way, she'll have something to hold while you tell her all about it.
  21. Monthly flower arrangement. Many florists will allow you to prepay for arrangements. That way she has something bright, colorful, pretty, and new that she can look forward to every month. Another idea is a subscription to her favorite magazine in large print. I ordered National Geographic, Guidepost, and a Word Search magazine for my grandmother and she reads them from cover to cover.
  22. I like it so far. The story line is great but I can't see how it will last for multiple seasons without some major plot turns (Lost). Unfortunately, I did read last week where it only has a 50 percent chance of surviving the current season. I hope it makes it.
  23. I hate them!! The neighborhood boys play war with them on weekend nights, sometimes until 1:00 in the morning. The kid next door stands on his back porch and shoots at the birds on my bird feeders. Saturday and Sunday mornings I can sweep enough pellets out of my driveway and truck bed to fill up a large coffee mug. Their parents tell me it's just boys being boys. Even if they are harmless, I can't stand it when people have no respect for boundaries.
  24. Baked potatoes smothered with pork BBQ, cheese, and green onion tops.
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