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Everything posted by Stonewall

  1. I have lived in Paulding 30 years never seen a cotton mouth, saw one copperhead but have seen probably 15-20 rattlesnakes in the county. I average about one rattlesnake sighting a year mostly near the WMA. I saw an Eastern Diamondback crossing Goldmine road probably 15 years ago his head tail was near the centerline and his head was at the edge of white line on the edge of a ditch. Big snake. Have only seen one near that size most I see are two to three feet long and I guess timber or pygmy rattlers.
  2. Don't doubt you had any number of species of water snake. They are very common around here. Doubt very seriously they were cotton mouths. Cotton mouths are generally short, very heavy bodied, very dark colored (brownish, black or very dark green in appearence), "cotton" white mouth interior and when provoked very aggressive. Juveniles can be lighter and even banded. I have fished my whole life and seen maybe five in the wild mostly south of here but two were on the Chattahoochee just outside Atlanta. My whole life folks around here have refered to every water snake as a water mocassin but they
  3. I could be totally off base hear but if I want gossip, news or just entertainment I go to PCOM. If I need info on health issues I GO TO THE DOCTOR. JMO.
  4. It is harmless do not kill it. There are only four families of poisonous snakes in North America of which three are pit vipers and one, the coral snake, is not. The only snakes around Paulding that will hurt you are various rattlesnakes and the copper head. I have heard of cottonmouth mocassins this far north but the DNR says their range is farther south. I am no expert but this is a king snake, rat snake or something in that general species.
  5. Anyone who thinks this moron is even a shadow of a competent lawmaker deserves what they get out of Washington. He is in that seat for one reason, his skin color. Yes I know he had black opposition but he was elected because he was the lesser of the two evils. You could run Thomas Jefferson against him and he would still get re-elected. He is a disgrace to the State of Georgia. Although I admit he is not the only disgrace in Washington.
  6. I worked with Daniel's dad for about six years. This was a great young man from a very good family. Please participate if you possibly can.
  7. CNN lost more credibility with their "exclusive" insider information. The chick, the rich boy and the gay guy looked and sounded like total idiots as they got giddy over the arrest scoop. Then they looked like they wanted to crawl under a rock when it was found to be BS. Real time, twitter driven, get it now, journalism at its best. It was pathetic.
  8. Devil's advocate. If he is shooting on his own property say maybe at squirrels and such or just up in the air he has not committed any crime. He has the right to do that on his property just as much as the kids have the right to collect rocks or play on your property. Of course if he is directly threatening harm to some one that is a different matter and should be dealt with accordingly. I shoot on my property a lot and so do all my neighbors no one has ever called the police. I have a large buffer of woods and am pretty isolated though not near a subdivision.
  9. Good grief just get them, no roosters, and quit worrying about ever "rule" out there. If you have to get rid of them get rid of them.
  10. Yes used as schrapnel in anti-personel devices (example certain claymores) to inflict maximum personel injury.
  11. Too early to tell much about motive or who is responsible. There have been bombings in this country for years mostly internal groups or individuals with an self serving agenda. Mafia, gangsters, outlaws, biker gangs, law enforcement, federal agents and racists (white and black) to name a few have used these tactics since the mid 1800's. Regardless it is a cowardly way to express their beliefs and I would personally despose of them with extreme prejudice given the chance. If it is foreign terriorists, send them hell and dare the pacifist limp wrist "we are the world" pansies to say a damn word
  12. Like the speed and strength in the line up. They will slump at some point but if they are fairly consistant this season they should be hard to handle.
  13. One of my old time faves. RIP big man.
  14. Bring your own. If there is any food available for sale it is very limited. Bring lawn chairs and cooler.
  15. I don't see the harm either. Let's give them surf n turf on Fridays and let them out with a 11:00 curfew on the weekends. Lord forbid that there should be any consequences to some ones actions. Oh yes I hope we are providing free minutes so they don't have to be Bubbas date to pay for the calls.
  16. They are not adding an extra 10% on top of your bill. Cost plus 10% is their pricing structure saving you money depending on the price they have to pay for an item. True cost plus is just what it sounds like their cost plus 10%. Their profit comes out of the 10%. The other stores may be cost plus 10%-50% it is just figured into the "normal" shelf price. I have never been there but this is how cost plus is suppose to work.
  17. Look at the bright side, now you can concentrate on good bands.
  18. She approached her desease with an incredible amount of dignity, classy lady. RIP.
  19. RIP My Lady. A staunch ally and role model for women everywhere.
  20. The Godfather (part 1&2) To Kill a Mockingbird Big Jake Gone with the Wind Treasure of the Sierra Madre (sp) Cape Fear ( both Mitchum and DeNiro) High Noon The Outlaw Josey Wales Whatever Happened to Baby Jane Moby Dick Casablanca Just a few, sorry I can go on and on.
  21. She sounds lovely. As I stated I could care less if someone has a tire iron hanging in their nose but don't get pissed if other people find it offensive. I have assumed nothing just questioning why the self mutilation? By the way I said it is just my opinion in response to the original topic so you "bullies" back off before they ban the reply button.
  22. Do not care what some one else does with their body but I do find these extreme tats and piercings to be idiotic. Not saying they are wrong and I am right but personally I do not understand the purpose. I have to believe it is lack of self esteem and a cry for attention ( look at me). I do not think anyone with these body alterations should be shocked if some people take offense and their job prospects are limited. JMO
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