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Everything posted by Stonewall

  1. I did not post my 4th of July picnic on You Tube for you to make fun of.
  2. While I do not agree that this applies to all people I do think it applies to many. A little over the top and blunt but there are some truths to it. You (or the government) cannot force all people to coexist peacefully. There will always be people because of race, social status, political beliefs, religion, relationships, family strife, etc. that simply cannot tolerate others. Not saying it is right or wrong just saying that is the way it is.
  3. Way to go Mr. President. May god send his healing angels to surround this child.
  4. I saw ARS last year. They sounded great and played all the old tunes you remember from the 70's and 80's.
  5. I do not dust my pets with Sevin although I know a few old timers who do and have for years especially on hunting dogs. I apply it to the ground and bedding around the outside of the house including areas accessible to the pets. I used granular Sevin and apply with a spreader in the large areas and Sevin dust on bushes and bedding. I too have heard conflicting stories but have had no side effects on any pets. Of course all pets are different and could be effected differently. I have used this program for the last three years. Hope that helps.
  6. Oh yea, Hiram is so much nicer with its 100 stop lights and congestion.
  7. DE is a placebo it does not work any better than any other product in my experience. The fleas are bad this year for sure.Flea baths, some topical treatment ( frontline, K-9 etc.) and Sevin the yard is my three prong attack. It helps but is not 100%.
  8. Wait a minute, here is my shocked face, :o .
  9. Did not watch the video but TS reminds me of a Saturday Night Live skit player. Have never seen the appeal.
  10. There is a witch doctor behind Ingles he may be able to help too, much like the chiropractor.
  11. I cannot speak for your physical attributes but you are definitely humble.
  12. Hypothetical. If my neighborhood, say in Seven Hills, sets up a neighborhood watch because there have been multiple break ins in unattended homes. The police catch some of these perps from time to time and they are all white hipsters with goatees. Should the watch group be suspicious of old black ladies with cats or white hipsters with goatees? Is this profiling? I see no difference in the suspicion of GZ in regards to TM. If the majority of your perps in a given area meet a certain police profile, based on statistics, how are you racists if you concentrate on that profile?
  13. Yes. It is at the Atlanta City Hall , three rings with a clown in every ring.
  14. Jury got it right under point of law not media hype and emotions. Only realistic verdict possible. This was a no win situation for both parties one is dead and one will have to go into hiding. I have zero faith in the media or politicians and they are the only reason this case garnered so much attention. The liberal media got pretty much every aspect of this case wrong from the get go and intentionally fanned the flames of racial tension for the sake of ratings. They should be held responsible for their biased reporting and intentional attempt to sway the verdict in the court of public opinion
  15. Cleveland closed their motor shop over ten years ago. However Cole Electric has that facility and is still in business.
  16. Lack of easy access to an interstate, tax incentives, tax rate, infrastructure and past negative business attitudes from the county have stifled any growth. The county was developed by get rich quick land barons and developers in bed with the county government and now we are paying the price. Hiram is a bedroom community and the businesses there are mostly service related. Metromount has had at least one layoff recently due to lack of work. As for the comment on Polk and Floyd counties most of the industry in Floyd has been there for years and Polk is zoned 90% agricultural so I don't see them
  17. One of a kind voice you know from the first line who it is. Hope he gets better and maybe makes a few lifestyle changes. Wishing the best for him.
  18. Feelip because it does not fit the agenda of the left. None of the media whores give a rats rear about the killing of Trayvon. They give a rats a** about the agenda of gun control and the attack on the 2nd amendment, period. Same bunch of maggots that pretend to care if Paula Deen said the word of all words, the "N" word, (which I heard blasting out of an black gentleman's car at least ten times in traffic the other day) sometime in her life. It is not about news, right or wrong, racism or equality, it is about liberal left wing agenda and the lust for political control of the nation. If anyon
  19. I have a Min Pin that has chronic pancreatic issues, he is my buddy and I love him. Dr. Lugar and Dr. Bailey have kept him comfortable and living a pretty normal life for the last three years. I know there are cheaper vets but I don't care I would mortgage the farm for him and he would fight a lion for me thats all that matters in my book.
  20. I did not think Ricky even practiced anymore. His wife runs East Paulding.
  21. " I hate graveyards and old pawnshops, oh they always bring me tears, can't forgive the way they robbed me of my childhood souvenirs" - John Prine
  22. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Southern Company has invested Billions, yes with a B, in their fossil fuel plants in the last 10-15 years. Bowen, Gaston, Hammond, Yates, Wansley, Shearer (sp) and Gulf Power's plant in Pensacola have all been retrofited with SCRs and scrubbers. I believe all their fossil plants have been or are being retrofitted to meet EPA emission standards required by the Feds. I am sure about the ones listed. The unit 3&4 SCR/Balanced Draft retrofit at Bowen was in excess of $500 million I know I was there and part of it. This was only two units not including t
  23. Bob Armstrong, Dick Slater, El Mongo, Ernie Ladd, Freddie Blasie, The Shiek, Bo Bo Brazil, Stan Hanson, Ray Gunkle, Abdullah the Butcher, all the Anderson's and of course Dusty Rhodes. The baddest masked cats like the Assasins were always from "parts unknown" and would have a "foreign object" stashed away some where. The wrestling rules were always "catch as catch can". I found it hilarious but my grand parents would go beserk watching the old black and white with rabbit ears. Funny stuff but in hind sight I would give $10k to watch one more match with them. Both have been gone a long time now
  24. Ok I have been letting sleeping dogs lie but I should have known the leftist drama queens would not be able to STFU. Before any of you reply maybe you should take a reading comprehension course because right now you are all failing. Scorpio show me where I mentioned religion in the fact I don't agree with the queer lifestyle. The rest of you show me where I mentioned shooting anyone, some one else brought up the term bullet. My OP stated, if you can comprehend, if you get in my face, not on a stupid forum, in person running your mouth about gays, racism, road rage, gasoline prices, the weather
  25. You can disagree with me all you want but you don't know me well enough to call me names and I would'nt go there. Not joking.
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