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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. I heard he only spent $1.03 per job,,, A record which may never again be equaled!!!!
  2. Who would you rather have, Chipper or Bob Horner??? And, although the scene was ugly, I'm glad to see Atlanta fans show some passion about the game these days. I would rather they threw hot dogs, peanuts and cracker jacks, than bottles, cans and rubbish, but I liked the passion. At least it wasn't like New York where they throw batteries, ("C" cells and "D" cells), for no apparent reason. Just my opinion.
  3. I have a friend who is a big naturalist that told me once that all snakes in Ga are protected. Does anyone out there know if this true? Is it some type of nepotism?
  4. Now you're getting somewhere! You are taking at least two drugs with wicked side effects, which is more than enough to go back to your doctor. If you are going to a GP, ask him/her if you need to see a nephrologist, which is a kidney doctor and they are wizards at controlling blood pressure. If your doctor disagrees with your concerns, find your own nephrologist, don't take chances.
  5. Been there done that a number of times. The sick headaches shouldn't last more than five days for the withdrawal. Lethargy is from medication somewhere, as one cup of coffee wouldn't give any adult a stimulant buzz, especially as long as you have been drinking it. Sometimes I get BP problems when taking "Fresh" meds vs the old stuff (three month supply). It sounds like they need to try a different BP med, or possibly brand specific vs generic. Where is Dr Nicole on this thread? Try drinking 50/50 coffee for a while.
  6. OK, I'll take one for the team, what is 'HNIC' ???
  7. I have to power mine on. The charge light starts out green, then turns orange for charge. Check on the home page that battery icon is charging and let it go. I think it can go to sleep after that and still charge the battery. If not, try a different charger, like a car adapter. GOOD LUCK.
  8. Channel 2 Action News Report - "a relative identified as Jimmy Allen, fled from the home and drove to a nearby fire department. From there Allen was transported to the Floyd Medical Center with neck wounds. Allen's niece, Brandy Hawkins called and told Channel 2 Action News he was also stabbed in the lower back and in the shoulder." Probably treated and released, but seems odd there was no follow up.
  9. Completely agree! The comedy in the Adaams Family and Partridge Family were a bit more cerebral, while the Brady's and Munster's were so corny that it embarrassed me to watch it. The shows I really liked were 'Laugh-in' and 'Smothers Brothers'. While trying to think back on the 50's and 60's, the majority of the shows I could think of were 'Westerns', I wonder why? They must have cost a lot more to produce, and there were so many. Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Laramie, Rawhide, Maverick, Cimarron City, Have Gun Will Travel, Wyatt Earp, Rifleman, Bat Masterson, Wanted: Dead or Alive, The Rebel, Brand
  10. You would think that some intrepid news ferret would track down the father to see what his condition is. Why would they take him to Floyd? I would think that if it was life threatening, he would go to Grady, otherwise, Paulding!
  11. They're not gone yet! Mercier has a table set up at the farmer's market at 92 and 120 right now. Fried pies and all, but he says they have lots of apples, and the Arkansas Blacks haven't even come in yet. Don't know how long he'll be at 92 and 120 tonight, but if you're headed that way, check it out.
  12. I think it is because girls have a lot more trouble dealing with social/peer pressure than boys do. I could always tell when our daughter had a 'Social Issue' at school rather than an 'academic' problem, by the way she acted out at home. Our son was just the opposite. I've also noticed that girls who participate in team sports, or band, are better adjusted. Dance seem to have the opposite effect, maybe something about "NO 'I' IN TEAM",,, I don't know. But I do know that boys will go to school looking like a PIG, but a girl would rather stay home if her make-up isn't perfect. Just the na
  13. If I'm going somewhere by myself, I never take the Garmin, because I don't know how to get it to work. If my wife goes along I refuse to take the Garmin, because it makes no sense having TWO women bitch at me the whole time!
  14. Now I use my pill case to tell what day of the week it is.
  15. The one I have has a large reservoir with a heater which can be turned off in the summer.
  16. Someone actually suggested that we should open our windows for a while each day to help cool the planet! Leno had it on 'Headlines'.
  17. I had a lot of trouble with snoring, and subsequent apnea. A tonsillectomy, repair of a deviated septum and removal of nasal turbinates worked well, then the snoring started again. Did the sleep study and got the CPAP rather than the soft palate surgery. They claim that there are injections to the soft palate, (Botox?) that do basically the same thing, but in either case you wind up with trouble with your gag reflex, and possible choking. I went with the CPAP, but after five years I fight with the thing if I toss and turn, and yank it off. The other thing is I can't wear my glasses with t
  18. I'm tellin ya,,, I'll stick my face in the dog's water bowl and drown myself before I eat SOY BACON!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Poor people will buy what they need, while the wealthy will buy what they need to excess, and then buy a bunch of useless crap just because they can. Look at what type of car a person buys that only makes 20k vs what kind, and how many the wealthy person has. I can see where middle class folks that hate taxes, would spend hours trying to buy used items, just to avoid the tax! That same methodology will be a way of life with the poor. I question how long the FED will allow many used items to go untaxed, such as high end autos. I also wonder who will be responsible for collecting tax on new
  20. Interesting. I would have guessed that anything you 'Find' on the internet is in the "Public Domain", reasoning that it is there because someone wanted it to be seen, therefore it may be copied and re-purposed. I wonder if has to be copyrighted or registered to be protected, otherwise how would the courts know 'Who' got ripped off ? I wonder what the rules are regarding the stuff on a persons Face Book page? They certainly didn't want it to be private!
  21. I don't know about anyone else, but I smell a RAT! These replacements have been making too many high visibility mistakes to suit me. The average High School footballer could call a better game than the replacement refs are. The Sunday night game was almost as bad as Monday night. I think the replacements are trying to sandbag the NFL into caving into the regular refs. I'm not prone to conspiracy theory, but the mistakes made were so obvious, and at such critical points, that it looks deliberate to me. As the weeks go by, the worse their performance seems to get. There, I have vented!
  22. I've got news for you. The human body does not matastisize and uptake all of the medicine, vitamins and supplements you swallow. Therefore, if you urinate or defecate in a commode and flush it, (and let's hope you do), you are sending medicine down the line. Where do you think the Viagra comes from, some nitwit throwing handfuls of $20 pills in the toilet?!?! You aught to be more concerned about HIV/AIDS and Hepatitus-C in the sewer system.
  23. I'm just wondering, why don't you flush it down the commode?
  24. I guess that means the internet is the perfect place for political campaigning! Politics has nothing to do with truth, fairness or fair play. It has everything to do with being elected to public office at all costs. This is nothing new. Politicians have been doing this for thousands of years. Now they have so much help with their endeavors, it is impossible to tell who is responsible for the lies when they are caught, and these days they do get called to task, which is then handled by spin doctors on BOTH sides. I wonder how many people know that political campaigning is expressly exempte
  25. Been there twice, the first time I would give them a C+, the next time was similar to your experience. I've noticed that tables with 4-6 people at a sports bar get better service than tables with 1 or 2 people, probably because of the potential for a bigger tip. I've given up on sports bars, unless we're there just for drinks and the game, or hell raisin'. Not that I do much hell raisin' at my age, but sometimes it's just plain fun ridicule the guy on all fours barking like a dog, or the guy in the corner screaming "WAR DAMN EAGLE " .
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