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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. Cold packing would be my guess as well just because of the lids. I don't think its worth the effort to try one jar (with 2 piece lid) in the pressure cooker, because even if it survives that, it may remain in a weakened condition and break when you least expect it! Oh, Oh, maybe they are for MOONSHINE!!!!!!
  2. Growing up in the suburbs of Detroit, we had 3 guns in the house, of which one worked. By brother's BB gun, (a Daisy Red Ryder like Ralphies, but don't remember it having a compass), and it went without saying that I was not allowed to ever touch any of them! But after my brother moved out I inherited the BB gun by default, and learned to be quite accurate with it. In the 6th grade our entire class, along with the 6th grade class form a neighboring school, went to a 5 day nature camp called Proud Lake. Did all the usual nature walks, star watching at night, learned bow and arrow shooting an
  3. Do you have fireplaces, wood stoves or both?? How do you "bank" your fire for the night??
  4. Blue Flame just charged me $1.89/gal.
  5. :rofl: That's funny right there, I don't care who you are!!!!!!! :rofl:
  6. You would think that if his/her kids are home from "Boarding School", he/she would be spending quality time with them, rather then posting on the internet! But, maybe I'M delusional.
  7. Something in me thinks that the hospitals are wanting to force people to use their cafeteria services, that they probably make more money from. Last time I was at Northside, I think you could get Pizza by the slice, Chili burgers and Philly cheese steaks, in the cafeteria!
  8. So did I, Cardiac Cops busted me. When I quit smoking, I had to stay away from Happy Hours with the co-workers, Something about the beer, and everyone else smoking is a real temptation, found it was best to stay away.
  9. I quit 3 packs a day in 1988, cold turkey! My wife had just found out she was pregnant with our first child, and it seemed the smart thing to do. That and I had my wisdom teeth cut out and couldn't smoke for ten days anyway. I used Doublemint gum. Any time I started Jonsin' for a smoke, I stuck in another stick of gum. Something about all of that mint takes your mind off of the habit part of the problem. Then it was a matter of psyching myself each day that all of the success gained so far would just have to be repeated, if I gave in to temptation, and besides that, where I was then was
  10. How about when you say "Thank You", the other person says "no, thank YOU", what do say to that!?!?!? "No Problem"?????????
  11. Actually, (folks on both sides), Firearms in combat (which is what they were invented for),are designed to "wound" the enemy, not kill them. Thus the Geneva Convention rule outlawing steel inserts in rounds meant for personnel. It depletes the opposing force far more to create survivable wounded when you consider the medical attention and the transport to a field hospital that is required.
  12. I noticed today that the short stretch of Bus-6 from 278 to Martin's is 55 mph, but a 4 lane divided highway like 120 is 45 mph and I'll never understand Barret Parkway being 45 mph!!! What logic is used to make these decisions?
  13. Paxilpapa


    REALLY!?!?! What part of Costa Rica do you live in????
  14. You don't need to "Fix" how many rounds fit in a magazine, you need to "fix" the nut with the gun!!!!!!
  15. mrnn - The instance for use of an "Assault" rifle, is during a home invasion. A home invasion may be one assailant, or maybe as many as five people racing in one of your many doors. These folks enter in full combat mode, and will shoot at anything, or shoot to scare, but in any case they are moving targets which, if you are to survive, you must shoot to stop. For folks that were in the military, 8-10 shots should stop 5 intruders, but for other folks many more rounds may be needed. A semi-automatic with a large magazine is actually what they need rather than the much despised full auto
  16. You would have thought the police would at least verify his welfare, considering all of the odd circumstances.
  17. Call Applebee's, Longhorn and O'Charlie's. I think it is Applebee's, but every time we eat at one of those three, my wife has the French Onion soup.
  18. My man, you're talking to the guy that just got busted by the Cardiac Cops for the fourth time!!! The first time in 98 I got a stent. A follow-up a year later got me a Quintuple by-pass. An innocent remark in 09 got me 2 more stents. A near heart attack two weeks ago got me another stent 2 days ago. 99% blockage of a by-pass, and 80% blockage that will be watched closely for the next two weeks. I tell you all of this for one reason, get over your low-fat no-fat obsession. You like chicken, you'll do fine. I now hate chicken, turkey and fish, therefore I struggle until it feels like someone
  19. Amen, add to that the chemistry of the talent that was cast. I don't think you could remake 'O Brother, where art thou' with any other talent and get a better result, and certainly a different director would have muddied the water too much. The re-make of 'The Shining' is an example of better direction of the story, while the re-make of 'True Grit' sort of broke even on all levels. I sit and wonder what 'The Wizard of Oz' re-make would be like with Peter Jackson directing, and all the modern CGI work, rather than sound stages.
  20. You could take a regular pair of glasses and tape a piece of screen door screen to them, or the Pubbster could just bust out the checkbook and buy a pair for the rest of us to check out. I lean toward the latter of the two.
  21. Yeah,,, I was gonna give her a 'NEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW', but wasn't sure how to spell it!!!!
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