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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. Skip out to page 7 of threads, and find former member's thread titled "Charter Schools - Follow the Money" . This aught to give you an idea of the rancor and vitriol which has already occurred on the subject here. Read it all over and do your own research about relative costs of the options, and the requirements placed on, and by Charter schools. Pay particular attention to funding of schools by Local, state and Federal taxes, as to which schools get which, and where the surplus Local taxes go. I begrudgingly favor the amendment, which should bring a tirade from former member! Good
  2. We didn't have Casadene, but we did have "4-Way Cold Tablets", which were administered the same way, or sometimes with Orange Juice. If it was with OJ, it was because they thought we had the FLU. Mother always loaded us up with OJ if we had the FLU,,, I was in the ARMY before I found out OJ was a breakfast drink! We had the original Vicks-44 that burned like fire, and if you had Strep, it was like swallowing broken glass. I kinda liked that stuff!!! We also had Vicks Vaporub, which got smeared on your chest for the croup. We were lucky to have the Vaporub, because other families had Must
  3. The real debate will start after the debate, when the talking heads start screaming about who won!!! What were they thinking anyway,,, scheduling a debate against Monday Night Football!?!? By the way, Detroit is playing like absolute CRAP!!!!!!
  4. She was at the corner of Bobo road and MacLand road, this past Thursday evening.
  5. I was going to kill two birds with one stone, and say 'Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn'
  6. What do you think could be the most famous line from a movie, and the the most misquoted line?
  7. A schedule realignment, due to the rain delay in the NLCS.
  8. Mine was for years 1992, 1993, 1994 and 2011, and I've been with them since 1987. Check was for $114.30, and last bill was for $405.00, down $90. It must have something to do with how much you paid in those years. This time around it is a 4 year retirement of debt, but I don't remember lending them anything!
  9. OKAY!!!! Have it your way,,, keep turning out out illiterate ignorant high school graduates,,, that seems to be what you want!!!!! Consider that my last word in the matter!
  10. How do those schools get around "No child left behind"?? Hate to keep bringing that up, but Georgia keeps blaming that on their low scores?!?! Next, you misunderstand my premise. I mean exactly take an entire school, with the entire current student body, and have it run as a charter school!!! I want to prove to everyone that the BOE is the problem here. There is nothing wrong with our drinking water, or nutrition, or air that will make our children inherently less teachable than any other kids in this nation, the common denominator here is the BOE! TRY something different,,, PLEASE
  11. Which students are, and are not being tested doesn't make a hill of beans when Georgia has been at the bottom of the crapper forever. And by the way, "No child left behind" was suppose to be federal, but some states, Georgia included, petitioned the fed for exclusion. The first sentence of the second paragraph is complete gobbledegook, please restate. What extra cost??? It is my understanding that the state would pay the same amount per charter student as the public school student. Whats the extra charge for students not going to the charter school about?!?!?!?
  12. I was given a piece of advice many years ago about referendums, "If it sounds like you are giving power to the government, vote 'NO'. If it sounds like you are taking power away from the government, vote 'YES'". This question however leaves me in a quandary. On the one hand, we would be giving power to a government appointed panel,(Good God!), but on the other, we would be forcing the local school boards hand on charter schools. At some point we must find middle ground on this issue. No one with an ounce of sense can look at Georgia public schools, and say they are satisfied with their perfo
  13. That's right, it should read 'Helicopters are a cirlin New Hope'!
  14. USA Today is saying experts think it is from a Giant Squid. I'm more curious as to how it got popped out so neatly!
  15. My wife says to Google 'Making pickles', and read thru it. Then for the selling part, call the Extension Service to see what is required, or swing by the Paulding Farmers Market at 92 & 120 on Friday afternoon and ask the people who sell jam, honey or peanut brittle what hoops they have to jump thru for the county/state. GOOD LUCK!
  16. Propane is a variable priced product just like gasoline. I just paid $1.89/gal from Blue Flame Gas out of Powder Springs, been with them maybe 20 years, and am very happy. But call the local suppliers in your area for their current rate, and what kind of programs they have. Also check the tank to see if it belongs to a Gas company, as you may need to have them fill it.
  17. I was a Lions fan back when Bobby Layne was there! When they moved to Pontiac, the whole team broke with a bad case of the 'DUMB A$$', and never recovered.
  18. Way, Way, Way too funny!!! But I'm afraid it's the reason we now get ROBOCALLS!!!
  19. There is nothing that can be done at this time. According to Clark Howard, ROBOCALLS are illegal to make to anyone, (on or off the Do Not Call List), with a few exceptions: Solicitations for a valid charity. Political campaigning. Polling. Warning calls, (Severe weather, customer service callbacks, etc). What's happening is that they have found a way to mask the outbound phone number such that it can not be traced back to that offender. Until the FCC, or the phone company, or someone invents a method to circumvent their "Mask", we're stuck with the calls. The "lower interest",
  20. NO, NO,,, you heard that correctly. It has to do with the anomaly caused by the accounting procedures LIFO and FIFO. While LIFO is more linear and provides a quick derivative, FIFO provides a matured solution within time constraints. According to the DOL, both numbers are correct, but the most weight should be given to the one that is the seems more beneficial.
  21. Yeah!! Chipper did show me something though after he blew his knee out and came back stronger, but personal life, ie marriages, left a little to be desired. I don't think we'll ever see the Torre years again! I would have liked to see the new guy in the post season, just to see how he handled it.
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