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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. If they told you 'No Video', how did that joker video the voting machine error and put it on YouTube? Did he break a law somewhere? You're not allowed to have a cell phone turned on in the polling place at all.
  2. Two weeks ago at the courthouse, waited about 50 minutes. I think all of the folks voting today owe the rest of us a giant THANK YOU for making your experience a pleasure! sidenote: Yesterday morning one of the talking heads said that 91% of Georgians had already voted! I guess that means the other 40% will vote today.
  3. Yes SIR!!! A combination Pot Farm and Chicken Ranch!
  4. They'll still object, but they'll be grinning from ear to ear!
  5. If you can't flush unwanted medicine down the commode, you needn't be flushing partially digested dope down the commode either! The EPA and preservation society of sewer rats will be knocking on your door.
  6. Knowing what we know about the damage cigarettes cause our lungs, why would anyone want to suck unfiltered smoke from a weed into your lungs? If you think the anti-smoking Nazis are goofy about second hand smoke, what will they think about a second hand HIGH? Although somewhere I read that some of the people that are allergic to peanuts are also allergic to dope smoke, it has been found that dope smokers have fewer cavities. Maybe Alabama and Mississippi could benefit from legalized dope! I'm on the fence.
  7. I found an island group south of Hawaii that looks promising!
  8. That's a great name for a CAT! My favorite words are 'Kerfuffle' and 'Horse feathers'
  9. I would put $10 toward that boat ticket,,, What the heck, I'll give you $30, and you can take a couple of friends with ya!!!!!!!
  10. No what? That you don't like the Apple Pie either?!?!?!?!? That sound s like part of a communist manifesto!!!! You're not really an American are you?? You and former member are Canadians!
  11. No, Eddie, it's called the "Redistribution of Wealth", a policy you are totally in favor of. Aren't you always talking about the "Rich man and the eye of a Camel"? Here it is in operation,,, the folks from Jersey should fall on their knees and thank Alabama for saving their immortal souls!!!! Liberals are never happy, give 'em an Apple pie, and they bitch because it isn't HOT. Redistribute some wealth, and they bitch because it's going from Blue to Red!!!!!!!
  12. Best Halloween card ever , (let's see if I can get it to work!) Sorry, E-Card won't load, but it is fantastic, trust me!
  13. They have video of the event! It was at a 30 to 45 degree up angle, when the wind caught it and blew it over the top. That is one fugly mess!
  14. Well, we tried that, but when our kids were in elementary school, someone decided that they could not Trick-or-Treat on a school night. Since we have had only one Trick-or-Treater in 20 years, I don't pay any attention to who does what to whom, and when,,,, other than making sure I'm not out driving anywhere if kids are out running around in the dark. So do you think the thundering herd will be out on the 31st as well?
  15. I don't know if it's just a local thing, but some subdivisions (like my daughters), have already had Trick-or-Treat. They seem to want to do that part on a Saturday night in some places! Who coordinates these functions anymore?
  16. It is either a Hickory nut, or a Pignut, which is a variation of a Hickory. Hickory is basically round, where the Pignut is elongated, more like a Pecan.
  17. Unless there is RAIN or extreme HEAT, the state requires the children to go outdoors a certain length of time each day. I can remember picking up our kids on damp windy days in January, and all the kids would be huddled up by the door, waiting to get back in. It seemed so cruel to make them go out there at all, but rules are rules.
  18. Good question, part of the answer is probably pride! The other part is probably a pay cut even though it is considered a lateral move. The smart thing to do is take the job even with a pay cut, and stay employed while she markets her skills to other firms. The money she earns at the front desk has to be more than unemployment. Just my thought.
  19. RH - Do ya see the s@#% storm this stirs up??? Some of the most vocal contributors don't even have a dog in the fight, myself included!!!!!!! Lots of innuendo, very few hard facts, just vehement political rhetoric. That's what this whole site boils down to!!!!!! I advise you again, do your own research to get the truth. PP
  20. So,,,,, When did the Alternative school close???? You made a statement, now back it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Partially true. If you take 10 students out of public school, that's 100K less that the Public school will need! Then, as I understand it(and please, please, please correct me if I'm wrong), Local school taxes can not be used for Charter schools. Then we need to find the breakdown of taxes used. I understand that to be Federal, Local and then state in ascending order! Something like approx. 20/30/50%. Is that correct? If it is, that means Charters will receive 7K per student. The other 3K should go into the Public school fund, or returned to taxpayers. Take a simple case of 1/2 of stud
  22. That's right, your point is proven NEGATIVE!!!!!!!! I was over by the Ombudsman school three weeks ago, and they were exiting the building. County school buses were picking them up! When did it close??? Two weeks ago I suppose!!!!
  23. Not factual in practice. Of my two children, one barely graduated from high school, and has not been able stay in college. The other graduated with honors, and is one semester from being a particle physicist! Same parents and socioeconomic environment, same high school. That dog won't hunt!!!! We already have a charter school in Paulding county, as I understand, and they deal with nothing but "problem kids" , it's called "Alternative School".
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