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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I could agree with that...personally I like the idea of stoning better. No need to bury afterwards. Let them rot under the rocks. My compassion for an animal who poses as human and maliciously murders anyone is ZERO. Yes, I know I sound terrible, and no I don't care. Britaini would agree with many others here, she hates the death penalty. I'm too much like my father in this respect. I can promise you that if someone killed one of my children (with intent) in particular, they would not make it to trial...and I would sleep just fine at night.
  2. Buy a round of drinks...??? I think you are fine, like you are. As a general rule I avoid MOST political/religious type discussions~threads. ESPECIALLY on a message board. I'll chime in occasionally, especially if I am feeling smartass or on the occasion I can just no longer resist. The threads 99 percent of the time are reduced to bitter squabbling, name calling and just bad juju all the way around. Tempers flare. and everyone just ends up hating the person that disagrees with them. Which is sad because if you were talking face to face and not feeling anonymous on a message
  3. A parent should never have to bury their child. My worst nightmare. If one of mine are leaving tomorrow I want to go today. So sorry for your loss, and for his family (specifically the Mom you mentioned) and friends. You are all in my thoughts today.
  4. I have chronic vein disease in my right leg. Before my leg surgery (disaster) I was 'prescribed' the compression hose. You have to go to a medical supply place, and they will measure you and give you the proper, 'prescribed' compression. We have United Healthcare Insurance, and they did not cover a dime of the 80.00 we paid for the hose. I was 'prescribed' thigh to (open) toe stockings...and i have to tell you they were the most miserable things I have ever put on my body. The pain from the compression hose was ALMOST as bad as the phlebitis I developed from the vein procedure.
  5. Oh you know Britaini . She's a nazi about so many things, and reality tv is one of them...lol. I called her a 'dialect nazi' last night because she was making fun of my pronunciation of something. Actually her bestie Leah and I were BOTH calling her that. She did however, sit and watch an entire episode of Hell's Kitchen with myself and Leah while they were waiting on me to go to bed so they could watch True Blood. Make sure and bust her out for it when you see her, lol.
  6. He is hot, but I have boycotted his show ever since he ate that frog... I love my froggies. THEN to find out he was busted staying in hotel rooms or whatever when the cameras stop rolling. Needless to say I was P I S S E D . Needless froggy death . I do also watch ANY show Gordon Ramsay is on...all SIX of them, lol. He's my boyfriend...
  7. Susan is silly, she is headed out of town and clearly her mind is on the beach . Today is TWO FOR TUESDAY. All General Fiction paperbacks are buy one~get one free...so it's an EVEN BETTER reason to stop in . Senior day is tomorrow .
  8. LOL! Confession...I can't really laugh. I've been watching 'Toddlers and Tiaras'. I scream at the television. It's like watching a train wreck and I cannot look away. Britaini gets really disgusted with me "MOM, what in the HELL are you watching, I am so ashamed of you" . Hahahahaha!
  9. Awww, YAY! That is just awesome .
  10. Benadryl will also take some of the burn out .
  11. I've actually never heard a single song either. I put a lot of weight on my daughter's opinions, and she assured me that she didn't think it was anything I would like so I haven't bothered . I know it's not my preferred genre and I'm pretty bad about only listening to the same music I've listened to for the last 30 years. I never even listen to the radio (outside of NPR because I love me some cello and violin), I'm a cd girl. It makes me happy, so that is all that matters. I couldn't keep up with the new music they churn out every year, lol. I do appreciate her though, in the fact th
  12. Much appreciated! I couldn't find the dang thing! Oh, and we must have been married to the same man . That nails my ex to a tee!
  13. I had actually never heard of this channel until now. I LOVE these kind of shows...I need to find this. Thank you!!! PS, 'Prettyinink'...your avatar is freaking ADORABLE .
  14. Done! Good luck to them .
  15. I'm afraid to hope . Can I order some 60 degree temps while we are at it???
  16. Yes. Yes he is . The baddest of the badasses .
  17. The FSM doesn't skeer me...Cthulu on the other hand .
  18. I'm the non-snuggler between myself and Ray. I don't want anyone touching me while I am trying to sleep . I think I am more used to it because the whole time we have been together (13 years) he has worked nights. He comes home Saturday afternoon so I have him Saturday night, and then it starts all over on Monday night. It sucks sometimes, having to try and spend some time together. I actually like it better when he is gone for a week or two and then home for a few days and during that time our schedules match up. PLUS the awesome added fact that after a week or so we can't keep our hand
  19. I think the only bullet I have ever gotten was received because I was posting while inebriated . I'm a smartass ALL the time, but more so when drinking (big surprise), lol. So best advice...don't drink to excess and post .
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