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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. So, SO sorry for your family's loss. This has been a bad week for so many people. I think you are doing the right thing by waiting for him to get home to let him know. I hope your husband is safe tonight as well, in all of this bad weather.
  2. RhondaW


    Done!!! Good luck!
  3. Personally, I think the thought of sleeping with him is kind of gross. That being said, he seems like a nice person. He is a entrepreneurial genius, and a cultural icon. I give him major props for that. I think he really screwed up with Holly. I honestly believe she loved him very much.
  4. No, I don't think so. He was a lifelong resident of Alabama. Pell City, Columbiana area. I know, I wish he had been in an older model car at least, the kind made of solid steel that could take a hard hit. He and my husband look an awful lot alike, however. You may very well have bumped into him in the Hiram/Dallas Powder Springs area.
  5. Thank you Carol, and I am sorry for your loss as well. Anonymoose....It was 2005 Nissan Altima. I'm fairly sure the airbags deployed, but my husband says he was literally wrapped around the tree. The majority of the impact was on the left side of his body, and his head. Unfortunately the airbags couldn't have helped him . He was only a year older than me.
  6. Thank you Ladies all SO much . I thought I was out of tears, but all of your condolences are so appreciated I am back at it again. The funeral is in a couple of days *deep sigh*. Rough week. My husband was in shock but seemed to be holding it together until he went to post on Dan's memorial wall on FB. He just broke down and started sobbing. That was it for me. I hate to see him in so much pain . The fact that he had to identify his body and everything just compounds it, I think. Thank you all again.
  7. Thank you, everyone. I need to clarify a little bit. My brother-in-law, my husbands younger and only brother was killed Monday evening. He was driving and likely was slightly inebriated. He had just come home from a local 'swimming hole' where he had been trying to get some exercise. He dropped off a cooler of the remainder of beer he had (the reason we think he may have been inebriated) at his house and then rushed back out without telling anyone where he was going. He lived with my sister in law and father in law. From what we have been able to piece together it appears he realized h
  8. CONGRATS!!!! Best thing, EVER! I'm a Mema, but my grandson with his country accent insists on calling me 'Me-ya-mawwww' . Sweetest sound in the world. Grandchildren are SO much fun . I love Granny . My Mom insisted on the kids calling her Granny, and to this day my sister and I when referring to her still say Granny. She said she loved that name more than any other.
  9. I've had kidney stones, but it was many years ago and I don't remember the pain very well. I did however go through a ruptured appendix with my husband that almost killed him a few years ago. You need to get to an emergency room. His pain was in his lower right part of his belly and his back. Belly pain is VERY worrisome.
  10. Oh yeah, I hate them. My zen daughter is always cautioning me against it, but I hate them...with a passion.
  11. I hope he is found safe and well. I am posting this on my FB to be shared.
  12. I stand by what I said of these people being pure trash. They are worse than human waste. They are vile, despicable, disgusting excuses for humanity. Every last one of them. There attitude towards anyone that isn't from their own little twisted inbred 'family'...which is all their 'church' consists of. They protest military funerals with their message of 'Thank god for dead soldiers'...they malign homosexuals, the handicapped, my Jewish brothers and sisters. Evil. Plain and simple. Trash, even simpler.
  13. HAHA, I know! Heard throughout the store... "Susan, you're quacking" !!!!!!
  14. She is awesome, isn't she? I send a lot of women her way. She also used to do my Mom's hair, for years. I love her personally. When my Mom was killed (8 years ago) we (my sisters and I) had to meet up at Eberhart's to do the arrangements and there was this HUGE bouquet there waiting on us from Ginger. She said she was driving home past Eberhart's and saw Mom's name. It really touched my heart, and very few appts. pass with her that she doesn't tell me how much she still misses her . She can work with anyone, any style. I've referred elderly women and younger women and she is even
  15. I keep my bangs trimmed, but I have naturally curly hair (very thick) and Ginger keeps it cut in layers. It's actually called a 'Shag cut'. I don't think I could ever do it myself . My Mom tried 20 years or so ago, and it was just about the funniest thing you have ever seen . Think orange haired Troll doll, lol .
  16. I didn't get the pop-up, and I am using 'Mozilla Firefox' as my browser. Are you guys using IE ? Just wondering because I noticed when I was using 'Windows Internet Explorer' I used to get more of them .
  17. I have the same damn problem, I feel for you! MY vehicle is a Chevy Blazer, I am a truck/SUV kinda girl. While my vehicle is waiting to be repaired I am having to drive my husband's Camaro. I freaking HATE it. I can't see anything in it . I know I piss the people off behind me up here on Brownsville rd at the Shell station, but I have to wait for the light to turn green for me to make my right hand turn. They NEVER trim their hedges, and I cannot see over them. Scares the crap outta me!
  18. HA! Me too! These 'progressive lenses' do NOT help much at all .
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