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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I hope everything goes well and he has a full, speedy recovery.
  2. Not a damn thing . Unless you have some kind of fetish going on, lol. Did you know there are actually college girls on eBay that make money selling DIRTY socks (pictured on their feet). There really are some weird fetishes out there .
  3. These people are vermin, in the truest sense of the word.
  4. *UGH* Yeah, I'm pretty sure we are in the third circle of hell now. I freaking HATE summer, and I detest this heat .
  5. So far I have been unable read the books...I tried with the first one . I like Sookie's character even less in the book. They are just a little too sappy for me, and I understand my second favorite character, Lafayette doesn't make it past the first one. I DID download the first one with Audible this past month to give it one more chance, because I enjoy listening to audiobooks while I paint or sculpt. So I really am going to give them another chance. Maybe once I make it through listening to the first one I will have enough interest to pursue the rest of the series. I hate Bill too
  6. No, I didn't watch it. I know I need to...I keep meaning to catch it On Demand. I love the trilogy it is based on by George R.R. Martin . Now that I have mentioned the soundtrack they play every time Sookie and Tara are together you will probably notice it. It makes me want to kick my plasma screen in .
  7. You know I did not even think about Hoyt's crazy mama!! I think you are right, because why else would they have focused on her doll fetish in this last episode?? I really like Sam's little brother . I think he's a greedy little sociopath but he is a cutie, lol. I hate Hoyt's mother so I figure whatever happens , she is kind of getting what she deserves. I know, terrible thing to say, huh? Eric ...I LOVE his character, if it wasn't for his character (and Lafayette) I probably would have stopped watching the show last season. Sookie kind of gets on my last nerve. One of my main pee
  8. With that creepy-ass doll ????? I asked on FB as well. I remember it from the finale last season, that thing is really giving me the heebie-geebies .
  9. Hoping for continued improvement, a speedy recovery and strength for you and his family.
  10. Thoughts and well wishes for Josh, his mom and entire family. Please keep us updated
  11. You are absolutely right Carol. We (my family) moved to Powder Springs in 1975, and to my recollection there has never been a bakery in downtown P-Town. The bakery is ADORABLE, and the owners/staff are awesome as well. I can't eat their goods myself, but I went in with my bestie yesterday just to inhale and drool . She said it was the best cookie she had ever tasted, and I heard the same from my Britaini, Matt at the coffee shop and several other friends. Visit fairly early to mid-day to get the best selection because they are getting so much business they are still becoming accustomed
  12. HAHA! I was thinking when I typed that that he is more concerned with what I DON'T wear, then what I do . He prefers me clothed in only my ink. Great minds, Sister .
  13. Screw that. my husband is all man last time I checked and he likes capris. He calls them 'pixie britches' . Each to his own... I really don't care what anyone wears, as long as you are keeping certain areas of your body covered in public. Each to his own .
  14. Wow, that is some scary sh*t!!!! SO glad you finally got your well deserved rest. I hope Tow isn't too adversely affected by the meds.
  15. Yes, totally was not making fun...simply commenting on that as an example of sexy. It's images like that , that partially induced my anorexia. I weighed 86lbs, and thought I was fat when I got pregnant with my firstborn. She literally saved my life. I don't make fun of anyone for any issue, weight, clothes, whatever.
  16. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww, and I would say a resounding NO to that one. Her legs look like fricking toothpicks. Give that girl a cheeseburger .
  17. Agree 100% ! If you can pull it off, and I mean IF you can pull it off go for it. I can't. I HATE my knees, actually and never wore minis ever in my life. I DO wear capris (and flippy-floppies ) because I don't wear shorts...again, I hate my knees.
  18. Thanks All, and thanks for the winery info around Dahlonega, Mark. Carol, I will talk to Ray once I get through researching all of this info and let you know. I appreciate the tip .
  19. I'm going to research all of these suggestions. That is why I wanted to ask enough in advance so we can be sure and settled on something. I'm SO excited! I just didn't have any idea where to start.
  20. HA! I'm hoping to get away to a place where Ray can't get any internet connection, or television...or keep him busy enough that he won't care if he has one .
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