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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Absolutely. If you got a vibe that something was off, go with it. Don't question, and don't second guess it. You have intuition for a reason, one of the most dangerous things you can do is to rationalize away that gut instinct.
  2. RhondaW


    Snakes are groovy . Spiders...another story entirely .
  3. Headed to the store with Britaini to work on some things we can only do on days we are closed . Then, home...to read. Life is good! Y'all have a great day .
  4. Yes, it's Marc Riley...you can also contact him through FB . SUPER nice guy!
  5. I'm not a customer either, but bless your heart! Sending you healing thoughts, strength and well wishes.
  6. ME too!!!!!! That was hilarious . My son has been watching Japanese game shows for YEARS, they absolutely have some of the most ridiculously funny shows ever created.
  7. SUPERNATURAL~~~~~~~ Starts back up on Friday!!!! The boys are back in town .
  8. HAHAHA! I was thinking the SAME THING?????
  9. So VERY sorry you are feeling this pain right now, and I 100% agree with pugmama. I don't know you personally, but hold on...and don't give up. Sending you cyber (((hugs))) and healing thoughts.
  10. Rita, I am so very sorry for your loss.
  11. My observation, the few times I have been unfortunate enough to see him over the years is that he is a mysogynist at best. I would be willing to bet you my house that had the tables been turned and he was answering for the same situation with reversed gender he would tell the woman it was her DUTY to stand beside her husband. "Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians" ~ Pat Robertson.
  12. My son loves the show. He introduced me to it. So sad,he was so young...
  13. LOL, I thought the exact same thing. That is one ugly man and she is gorgeous.
  14. Nope, I barely even slept under a sheet . I LOVE cooler temps. Hell, I love winter too. I want icicles hanging off my nose, lol. Not a summer person even as a child, I freaking HATE the heat. As a matter of fact we generally only use a few space heaters (while awake), and the fireplace if it is actually below freezing outside. Very rarely do we push the heat up above 60 degrees in our house .
  15. Yes, I am with mrnn...I'm not sure what it is, but it sure is shiny and pretty !!!!!!!!
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I hope you have an awesome one . I agree, over 40 is the best .
  17. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Your drawing is AWESOME . In Cobb county, you cannot park anywhere on your yard where you do not have concrete, don't know about Paulding. I know this for a fact because we were warned with my daughter's car parked at the side of the house (bad, Britaini )
  18. The other reason I love Halloween decorations arriving in the stores...it means cooler temps are just around the corner .
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