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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. OW! I was stung once by one of those vicious looking flying bugs that come out at night. I've always called them 'mosquito eaters', but I have no idea what they actually are. One was trapped under my sheets one night, and just went to stinging like crazy until I can find it and smash the hell out of it . Now I am terrified of them. They look similar to the second image here... My link but they have a really long, hooked stinger. My sting looked similar and was incredibly swollen a few hours later.
  2. I LOVE these... SO much!!!! I've been passing them around on FB too .
  3. My husband always says "They will need me before I need them" , lol. I just say, take a deep breath and walk away. I haven't talked to my youngest sister in 3 or 4 years...and I have to tell you I am better off for it. Toxic people are just that. No animosity, just not a part of my life, nor will they be. Too old for that crap .
  4. If it's regarding 'toxic' people...walk away. Life is too short, and it does not matter whether they are 'blood' or just friends. I've learned to walk away, even in situations where I know for a fact I was in the right...just not worth the emotional toll. Now I have peace .
  5. I don't snack at all anymore with the Medifast program I'm on but when I did... I LOVE sunflower seeds (raw, dried, shelled or not~ makes no difference to me) or almonds, and I feel the same way about them. I also loved that cheap 'Tostitos' brand medium spiced salsa con queso (cold out of the fridge) with tortilla chips. I know, REALLY Bad for me. Olives or pickles. Pepperoni slices, I like those cold as well and sharp cheddar cheese. Not a sweets, or chip (outside of the tortilla with queso) eater, either.
  6. NG. I am so, SO very sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. Please know you are in my thoughts, my heart goes out to you. (((hugs)))
  7. RhondaW


    Yes, I know the issue with fluorescent lighting. I don't have an issue with blinking lights, like some epileptics do, but faulty fluorescent lighting will get me every time. Every once in a while you will come across one that emits a high pitched buzzing kind of sound. That noise triggers seizures for me. I've left many a store, commercial building because of that noise. My issue is physiological. Through the myriad EEGs I have been given in my life, they discovered a small 'tear' in my brain over my right ear. Something about that spot being flooded with activity, causes my grand mal
  8. RhondaW


    I have had Grand Mal seizures all of my life. They began doing EEG's on me at the age of 2. I was on Phenobarbital until I was 5 and then Dilantin until I was 14 or 15? Hard to remember now. I haven't been on any medication (seizure meds) since I was 19 for sure. I was never diagnosed with 'Epilepsy' because I don't have the need to sleep after a seizure. I'm sure that is a very simplified explanation, but it was the way they (dr's.) explained it to my mother when I was young...or at least the way she explained it to me. I also generally know when mine are coming, so if driving, etc..
  9. I think we would get along well, as it seem we have similar upbringings. Indeed, I absolutely do believe you reap what you sow. The evil (or good) you do will be returned to you.
  10. My Papa grew up on the 'campgrounds' in Roswell (before they were Roswell) in a cabin on a dirt floor . He feels the same way and paid cash for his last home. Point is, in my family...we don't stop working. There is no retirement, and generally there is no inheritance. We make our own way, period. I'm glad for the families that can afford or feel differently, but this is not the way we work. Traditionally (in my family), children pay for their own higher education, etc...from what I see and hear of other families we are the exception. I bought my own first car and from the age of 1
  11. Meh...we can never afford to 'retire' ,anyway. Actually in my family that is an unheard of concept. My almost 70 year old Papa's (father) philosophy is"'Retirement is waiting around to die" . lol
  12. Congratulations! I hope your first week back goes very well, with minimal 'transitional' issues .
  13. Congrats! One day at a time . It has been 16 days for me. The first couple of days to a week were the hardest. But, I would just stop and inhale a deep breath of fresh air and think, "Wow, not so much wheeze". It feels much better (except for the bronchitis I am currently being treated for ), and every day is a little easier.
  14. We listen to various cd's in the store while working...it all depends on who is running the store that day. I think we all have a different idea of what constitutes good 'bookstore music'. For me it is Enya, Yo-Yo Ma (anything Baroque), Sinatra, Dean Martin, Nat King Cole, some early REM (because I have to be careful of the language). If Britaini is in you are likely to hear Astrud Gilberto, The Smiths, Mumford and Sons, some classical and REM. When Susan runs the store she likes soundtracks, and our NPR cd's, Itzhak Perlman. I'm happy to say as long as it is family friendly we can
  15. Hey Girl! Welcome to the Board, and I hope you get some resolution with this situation soon!
  16. HAHAHA! Okay, I am totally not a juvenile...and I just guffawed .
  17. Me, me, ME...and Britaini . Oh, and Susan .
  18. I have a very close friend, and his adult son who have been over there (once the Dad retired from the U.S.Army) with a private contracting firm for years (more than 5). I would be happy to pass on any questions you might have.
  19. LOL!!!!!! They had this discussion in the movie 'Severance' with Danny Dyer . You should watch it, lol.
  20. Georgia Baptist Hospital, Atlanta Ga .
  21. RhondaW


    LOL, you tell her!!!! Susan, I did not ...I was nowhere near CC, honest ! I did give it to Britaini, however...but it is all Ray's fault. He started it .
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