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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. Nothing surprises me with kids these days but this gets close. I think she didn't smack them in the head enough because they sound like spoiled adult brats to me.
  2. Most of the time I do. I always try to if there is an accident or something in the road that the other drivers need to be warned about.
  3. One of the contestants said she was worried most about David Arquette. So I am expecting him to do well.
  4. That's true, and I am DEFINITELY no expert here that is why I was asking so many questions earlier. I think though, that the people who chose to change their gender say they feel "trapped" in their body. That makes me think that there must be more to gender than just biology, at least for some.
  5. Isn't that the the same thinking as the "marriage is intended for a man and woman" argument? Truthfully, I don't care who any of them dance with. My point is what is the big deal about Chaz dancing with a girl? He's a guy now, right? I'm tired of hearing about it. Want to do something groundbreaking, let Louis dance with Carson.
  6. That was my question too. I think it is easy for ABC to let Chaz dance with a girl because he looks like a guy. When they let Carson dance with a guy then I'll be impressed.
  7. It wouldn't let me view it. I got this error message: The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.
  8. My God I am old...the only name I recognized is Nirvana.
  9. Society has come a long way in accepting people, but still has so far to go. I am sure that she has to deal with people prejudging her everyday. However, if she is "female presenting" people may not even know unless she chooses to let them know. I do think ABC is breaking a barrier by having Chaz on and having him dance with a female, as he should. It does make me question how Carson feels. Do you think society would ever accept him dancing with a man on DWTS? I would be much more impressed with ABC if they did that.
  10. Please don't get the idea that I am bothered or against anyone choosing to live as the gender that they have always felt they were or wanted to be. Seeing Chaz talking openily about it has just made me curious. I am always willing to learn something. I guess I am wondering what it actually takes for a person to be able to change their gender on their driver's license, ss card and that kind of thing. I seriously though it would require the full monty change. Oh-I don't expect Nancy Grace to last long. I think too many people dislike her. I think the crew that they chose this time is ve
  11. I think the poster is just tired of hearing people say how "lucky" everyone is that this hurricane wasn't too bad, when for her family it was a terrible thing. I hope your family and friends receive help soon.
  12. Oh, I am sure he will be dancing with an girl. I am just curious at what point one actually is considered "changed" to the opposite sex. I always (maybe stupidly) thought that it was once the parts were changed, but I guess that is not so. I kept waiting during the interview for that to be explained but it never was. I'm not judging or bashing,,,seriously, I am just curious.
  13. Ok...I know that he is now calling himself a man, but I saw him being interviewed and he said he never had the surgery to complete the transformation. So technically he still has female genetalia. I am not sure you can call yourself a man and not have the parts to back it up. It doesn't bother me that someone decides to have a sex change, but I am not sure, what exactly Chaz changed. He had breast removal and hormone therapy. But doesn't that just make him a flat chested woman with high testoterone?
  14. I'll keep my eyes peeled. That sounds like something I would do.
  15. I always feel for everyone who is injured in an accident but when it is a child it really hurts my heart. Kids are truly resilient though and I hope the best for all.
  16. I crossed over Hiram Sudie on bill Carruth yesterday right after it happened. They were blocking the roads and an ambulance passed me. I knew it must be pretty bad to have blocked the road. I hope it appeared worse than it was and everyone okay.
  17. Thanks for the link. That is definitely not what I expect when I hear "farmer's market". I will have to go see that! Where I grew up our farmer's market was literally farmers selling their crops.
  18. Same here. My father was killed ina car accident when I was a kid. I didn't really understand the effect that had on me until my kids started driving. I cannot breathe until I know they they are safe whenever they leave the house in their cars.
  19. I am sure there is no way that anyone would be comfortable finding out that information. When the police come to your house and tell you your father has died in a car accident the very last thing you think about is how you found out. I am not taking sides here. I'm just saying it doesn't matter how you find out someone has you love has been in an accident, it is not a pleasant experience. If it were my husband or one of my sons I would want to know the fastest way possisble.
  20. Prayers for them and you. I know what it is like to be far away from your family.
  21. Speaking of "free roofs" I probably need to have someone come and check mine out since we had some pretty bad hail here a couple of months ago. Should I call a roofer and get and instection/estimate first.
  22. Mine is with Safeco and VERY reasonable. PM Don Brown Jr. He's my agent, he will check several places for you.
  23. I like Sam's for meat, but you have to buy it and freeze it.
  24. You learned the same lesson I learned years ago. Now I never say, "My kid would never". I'm much more likely to say, "If my kid did that..." It's okay though. Remember it is not your fault. I was/am a very involved parent too but you can't be with them all the time. Their brains are truly undeveloped, and because of that they are prone to make bad decisions. However, the good thing is you found out about it. You took it seriously and now his brain knows whatever he did was wrong and he is much less likely to try that again. I don't think you ever said if your child is male or female b
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