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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. Too funny we posted this at the same time. I DO NOT like her on there at all.
  2. I used to like to watch The Doctors when I was home during the day. Now that have added Jillian Michaels. What's up with that? She is not a doctor. She interrupts everyone while they are talking. She sits in the middle and directs the conversations. I don't get it. Is it the Jillian Michaels Show now? Is it just me or does she irritate other people too?
  3. A doctor told me that if the pain intensifies (lots) when you hop on one foot it is time to see the doctor.
  4. He was a very innovative thinker and he will be missed. He changed our world...not many people can have that in their eulogy.
  5. Poor guy. When I was sick with strep several years ago it was a terrible sick. I ended up having to have a shot and oral antibiotics. If he does not start to turn around in 24 hours after taking the antibiotics I would definitely ask for a shot to speed it up.
  6. I haven't tried the scentsy candles yet, but I think I have to. I can't have the cinnamon or anything with cinnamon smell in it because my husband and son have a bad reaction to it. It messes their sinuses up! I like Yankee Candle's Macintosh or Granny Smith. Both are clean and fresh. I really like the Christmas Cookie too. I like to walk in the house and have it smell like my grandma has been baking up something good. In the basement where the men hang out they like the Christmas Tree fragrances. Now I have the urge to go go candle shopping.
  7. I don't trust the system by which they rank states. I am sure it is based on standardized testing, which I completely disagree with.
  8. fishnthec


    Probably Dr. Phil, he is on a roll lately.
  9. It's that simple? Awesome...thanks. tbird- I never could duplicate her chicken salad either...not to mention that brunswick stew...Yummy
  10. I know there are a BUNCH of good southern cooks on here. I consider myself a pretty good cook, but there is one thing I need help with. I am cooking a pinto beans and a ham hock in my crock pot. I have done this countless times, and they are good. But...you knew there was a but...when I get pinto beans at Cracker Barrel or even a can of Luck's (which I think is the best canned pinto) the soup in the beans is always more of a thick sauce. I really like the thick soup but I can't figure out how to get my soup to not be...well...soupy. Can anyone tell me how to thicken my soup? I know one
  11. fishnthec


    I neverfelt she was guilty. There was just no proof. I think she was a scapegoat because she was a pretty American and she admitted that she was at her Italian boyfriend's house smoking pot and having sex the night of the murder. Suddenly she was marked as a slut and the rest is history. i hope they get her out of that country tonight!
  12. It's pretty close to me too, but I didn't hear anything. I was sleeping next to my husband who was sawing logs so I couldn't hear anything.
  13. Which road was closed? Nebo is become a hazardous road. There seem to be more and more accidents happening. Perhaps it is just traveled more that it used to be.
  14. She is sure prepared! I hope the Zombies are hungry.
  15. Brennon could have been the best singer there but his cockiness just turned me off. I really wanted to see him go home.
  16. I don't know but it is probably like American Idol. They take a BUNCH to Hollywood and then send all of them home except 12. I thought that girl looked older than 21, but I think it was her hair that made her look older.
  17. Why does anyone need 125 boxes of pasta?
  18. Sweet little guy. Did you see his mom smiling?
  19. That's crazy...it would be expired long before he can eat all of that.
  20. If a person becomes too satisfied with themself then they become stagnant.
  21. It's the biggest bumper sticker I have ever seen!
  22. It's scary what we eat these days. I am sure that we are poisoning ourselves without even knowing.
  23. If you bought all the blueberry poptarts when they were B1G1 I would bitch whether you used coupons or not.
  24. Your signature says "Be who god meant for you to be and you will set the world on fire." I don't know the Postman at all but maybe he is just being what he is meant to be. Diagnosing him as a narcissit is a bit harsh I think, no matter what your educational status. I won't even pretend to presume that he needs a diagnosis. His musings and conversations remind me very much of someone that I am close to who is in no way a narcissist, but may seem like one to the untrained eye. The person that I know enjoys debating with people. It awakens his thinking as he hopes to awaken others minds t
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