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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. This was my first stress free day in a while and I actually got to stay home so I cooked. Hamburger steaks, pinto beans, turnip greens, macaroni and cheese, brocolli and cheese (I don't do mac and cheese), mashed taters, and corn. Sometimes I just get a hankerin' for some good ole home cookin'.
  2. I don't have IT, I don't want IT and I haven't seen IT. I am trying to stay away from IT.
  3. ...but what if they are not being dramatic? If it is someone I know well then I feel like I would know if they have withdrawn or shown other signs. If it is a friend of a friend I would have the 1st friend check it out. I have been on this Earth long enough to see lots of things and one thing I know for sure is that you never know for sure what is going on in someone else's head. What's it going to hurt to show them a little attention, even if that is all they are after? You will never really know, that bit of attention might have saved their lifeor just gave them something to whi
  4. So she got $200,000.00 for being shacked when she was arrested when she was breaking the law? Now she wants more? So she was pregnant and gave birth. Was the baby born healthy? I don't see how she ended up with money out of this. She got free health care and she should now has an American citizen for a child. Unbelievable.
  5. That would definitely make me spit out my food!
  6. Most ADHD medications are stimulants. I think the mountain dew suggestion was just for the caffeine effect. Caffeine is a drug. It is the most available over the counter drug that there is. It is also a stimulant that is not as long lasting as the prescription stimulants that people are given for ADHD. I don't see the problem with her supplementing or even replacing some of the stimulants with caffeinated drinks if the doctor approves. I would certainly consult his doctor. The main problem that I have with this thread, and I obviously DO NOT have all the details, but the OP said the sch
  7. I am going to school now to be a Phlebotomist and one of the girls in my class graduated from college 2 years ago with a teaching degree but has been unable to find a job so she had to change careers. My son also started college three years ago. He had planned to teach history but has recently changed his major to computer science. People are starting to get the message that teaching is not a profession that is worth their money and time spent in college. It is very sad but I think that we are going to lose some really good possible teachers.
  8. I am glad that you found your answers. I hope your little guy is able to be the best he can be.
  9. I think he should bake them a "Minny Pie". For those of us who have read the book or see the movie "The Help" you understand, if not...don't eat a pie unless it's from a good friend
  10. Our water heater just started to leak (a lot) suddenly from the bottom. We have turned off all the water to it and the hubby is shop vaccing as I type but it appears we need a water heater repair or replacement. Any ideas what it could be? Any suggestions who to call?
  11. I must have missed it too. I think it is awesome that you are a real estate agent. What you do is a choice, who you are is not. I have never seen you post anything that has made me think you are unhappy with who you are. If there are others whose minds are too small or closed to accept you, then maybe they should examine themselves. Judging others is usually a sign of one's own feelings of inadequacies.
  12. Not trying to worry you for nothing but you might want to get it checked because I know 4 people right now with strep in Paulding.
  13. This is my favorite PCom thread in a long time. I can't wait to see what happens. Does that make me a little crazy?
  14. My friend lives in that area and was leaving for work this morning and she sadid the road was closed and there were a lot of rescue vehicles there. She saw what she though were at least 5-6 ambulances along with the police and other vehicles but because the road was closed she couldn't see if it was a wreck or something else. She asked me to see ifI could find out anything so I went to the place where I know I can get information when all else fails....PCom. Has anyone heard anything?
  15. I hope it's not illegal. That would be a shame. I never had a Georgia license and it has been many years since I have actually practiced barbering as a profession. (though I still do lot of haircuts at home for my guys) If the barber used a new (disposable) blade each time in the straight razor I don't see that there would be any health hazards but that fact that it would be impossible to enforce may have lead to it being done away with. Flat tops re THE hardest haircut to do. It take quite a bit of practice to get the knack of that. Some people never do. That is certainly a dying ar
  16. Oh yea, and a really good barber will probably not use the guides on his/her clippers. (as is a #1 #2 etc) unless youspecitically ask for it. Some of the old time barber shops still use the hot towels and hot lather with a straight razor to detail around the ears and neck. That gives a really clean and finished look. I used to love to give full straight razor shaves in my shop and from what I was told they are the equivalent of a facial for us gals. I don't kow how many shops still do that, but it is probably a dying art. It's a shame. When my brother broke his shoulder he would come t
  17. I was a barber for years and that may make me biased but there really is a difference in the cuts. Barbers are (or were at least) much more trained in cuts, and less trained in the other things that cosmetologists are trained in. My priority was detailed cutting so I can look at a man and usually tell if they have had their hair cut by a barber, there is a difference and I prefer it. I am not saying that barbers are not trained to do colors perms or women's hair because I absolutely was. (no nails though) The focus is on a detailed men's haircut though. That is what I took my state te
  18. Don't get me wrong, Postman, I think Philosophy should be studied and could and should be used much more in business. I just don't think it is the best choice as a major. Especially with the cost of college majors these days, majoring in philosophy is not a strong economical choice for most people. You and my son could have some good long conversations I think.
  19. This is a discussion that I have had a few times in the past three years. My son is VERY interested in Philosophy and has taken several (and sat in on countless) philosophy classes at KSU, which now offers a 4 year Philosophy degree by the way. He is the co-president of the Philosophy Student Association this year, but his major is computer science because I just drew the line at the philosophy degree. Unless you continue on to grad school and become something else the only thing I think you can do with a 4 year philosophy degree is ponder your unemployment. I also found a flaw in the y
  20. This is oh so hard to answer. For some people it is so easy to just walk away from people or things that cause them stress or drama. My husband is so good at this. Nothing gets to him for long, he really seems to be able to just walk away from nearly anyone. (except me and the kids) I, on the other hand, seem to be a magnet for stress and drama and the people who are carriers of those things. I think it is the mother in me, I want to fix everyone so I try to hang in there until I am at a point where I really need to walk away but I usually feel like I am too invested in who or whatever i
  21. This could go on forever because everyone will never agree because everyone's experiences are going to be different. Not everyone needs meds...some do...probably not as many as are taking it...but some do. It is a personal decision that has to be made after you have educated yourself and talked to more than one physician about the possibilities.
  22. Alright, I have two sons, now adults, that I am sure many of you have heard me speak of so I won't go into everything. I will only say that a side effect of their main problem has always been ADD. For many years literally I could not medicate the ADD because the medications would increase other issues so it was not an option. As my younger son got older he began to suffer more from the ADHD than the main diagnosis and when he was old enough to ask for help for it I began to consider medication. Before medicating him I reasoned with myself that since most ADHD medications are stimulants and
  23. When I was in school it was called paddling and it happened all the time. There were also the occasional hands slapped with rulers if they were not on task. There were a few guns in the parking lot in the trucks because some of the guys went hunting before and after school, and nearly every boy had a pocket knife. I don't recall anyone every using them in a fight though. Fights happened but they were fist fights. It was usually chaled up to boys will be boys. Sexual abuse happened then too, this I know for a fact. Even when reported to the police it was not something that got taken very
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